Student Leadership

Welcome to the end of Term 2! The Student Leadership Team has been working hard and has achieved some great things for the school throughout the term.
On the National Day for Health and Safety at work, the team set up a lovely surprise for the Friday morning staff briefing. Every staff member got their own personalised note and a pack of hand decorated cookies. How lovely of us students! We wanted to show appreciation for care and dedication of the staff of Macleod, especially over the last couple of years. We want the staff to know that their work does not go unrecognised and appreciated!
Rainbow Group also baked some cookies this term for the Pride Month Bake Sale. There was a great selection of cupcakes, cookies, brownies and honey joys to choose from. The profits will go towards workshops/activities for all Macleod Students. Well done to Bridie, our Rainbow Group Leader, for running such a successful sale!
It’s been a great term for barbeques too, with two sausages sizzles being run by the Student Leadership Team. The first was for our annual Live for Lily colour run (and now obstacle course). The barbeque raised over $600 in profits to donate to a charity close to Ms. Spinks’ heart, a charity dedicated to her niece Lily Hester. The funds we as the school have donated will go directly towards research to find a cure for childhood cancer.
Our second barbeque of the term - the Election Day Sausage Sizzle - was a massive success! From bright and early in the morning until the polls shut (or the sausages ran out) we sold 600 sausages and plenty of lolly bags amounting to over $1500 for the school. Thanks to everyone who supported the school with a Democracy Sausage, and we hope to see you in November for the State Election!
We’ve been keeping active in the impact centre with Just Dance every second Friday. It’s been keeping us engaged, active, and plus, it's a bunch of fun!
Two quick reminders, firstly MC Thrifty will be running again at the next DVCS Market on Saturday 18th June. We sell quality second-hand and pre-loved goods that need a new home on every third Saturday of the month, so come down this weekend and have a look at what we’ve got!
And finally, our Win-A-Wacom art competition has opened for voting, so all students can vote for their favourite artworks. Winners will receive a Wacom drawing tablet, so good luck! Winners will be announced on Friday 24th June.
Thank you for reading and congratulations on making it to the end of Term 2! On behalf of the Student Leadership, have a safe and restful break!
Blake Hocking, Deputy College Captain