From the Principal

Leila Mattner 

Chapel Visitors

Thank you to the family members who have been visiting for worship on Wednesday mornings at 9am. From the beginning of Term 3, we will invite visiting family members to stay for a tea or coffee in the courtyard after Chapel. We know it will be a bit chilly to begin with, so bring a warm jacket and join us for a hot drink and a catch up in the courtyard outside the office with other family members in your child’s year level.

Remember that we are limiting the number of visitors to each Chapel and so we ask you to book your seat via Trybooking:

From the beginning of next term, this booking also guarantees you a hot drink and a chat afterwards if you would like to stay on. More details about Chapel hosts and themes are available in our Wellbeing Leader, Miss Carly Bergen’s Inspire page.

Staffing News

Many of you would know that Miss Annabel Coleman has been working in all classrooms since the beginning of the year. Beginning as a relief teacher appointment to assist us in managing COVID-19 absences, Annabel’s work with teachers and children has been highly valued. We have appointed Annabel for the remainder of the 2022 school year to continue to work with all classes to support teacher release for home learning and additional support for teachers and children. Congratulations to Annabel on this appointment to the St Paul staff team for 2022.


Leila Mattner | Principal