
Safe Around Schools
Drama Camp
Did you know there is a Drama Camp for secondary school students delivered in conjunction with Theatrecraft Youth Unlimited?
And its FREE for eligible students through the Positive Start 2022 Vic Government Initiative!
When: Monday 4th to Saturday 9th of July 20226-day / 5-night camp
The program and workshops are led by specialised youth and arts leaders. These camps welcome Year 7-12 students with an interest in theatre. Young people can further develop their skills in performance, voice and movement, with likeminded young people from all over VIC.
How can I book?
If you would like to book a place at the Drama camp, please email to or visit the website for further Information.
Pasefika Choir
A few weeks back, we welcomed guests from Hampton Park SC, Monterey SC, Narre P-12 SC and Cranbourne West SC, who form part of the Pasefika Choir.
The Pasefika Choir will be performing in Victoria State Schools spectacular and tickets are on sale now!
Families and staff were invited to hear a sneak peak of their performance which blew us away.
It was an Incredible display of confidence, talent and teamwork!
A special thank you to Hibiscus Pacific Goods, a local Polynesian Restaurant, for providing panikeke; They were a hit and you can follow them here: