
Lyndhurst's got Talent
Congratulations to everyone who participated in this years 'Lyndhurst's got Talent'. It was a great event with lots of talent on display and exceptional support for entrants.
Well done to those involved, to students for your support and most importantly to OUR WINNERS who received their prizes and certificates earlier this week. They now hold the accolade and title for LGT 2022.
Can't wait for 2023!
Art Competition Winners announced!
Congratulations to students who participated in this years Lynbrook Village Art Competition.
Last Friday, many of those short listed students attended a special celebration lunch at Suburban Burger to acknowledge everyone's effort and to find out who had won! Thank you to Melanie Brown, and her team at Lynbrook Village and to the amazing chefs and staff at Suburban Burger.
Our Winners
1st place - Sofia V. Yr 12
2nd place - Esther G. Yr 8
3rd place - Willow B. Yr 12
Peter Sarlis (Class of 2021) who has enlisted with the Australian Army and begun his initial training at Kapooka. We wish him well and look forward to hearing about his experiences in the future.
Term 2 Sport
Cross Country
The first 10 boys and girls across the line from each age group in the House Cross Country were invited to the Casey South Division Cross Country at Casey Fields on 26th May and the following students competed on a very soggy and windy day:
Thanks to Mr Potter, Lily and Amelia for coming along on the day and fulfilling our duties.
We wish Rei, Chloe, Michelle, Olivia, Sofia, Ashlee, Teeghan, Jessica, Brodie, Jonathan, Elias, Rahil, Will and Jeremiah good luck as they go on to compete at the Southern Metropolitan Region Cross Country at Cruden Farm on Thursday 23/6.
Winter team sports
Teams in both Year 7 and 8 Girls Netball and Boys Soccer have competed against other schools in the Casey South Division. Although not progressing onto the Regional finals, all players did their best and represented our College in a manner of which we can be proud. Thanks to Miss Swarmy, Amelia, Mr Lakic, Alex and Miss Cosentino for coaching and taking these teams out on the day.
This week, the Senior Girls netball and Intermediate Boys Soccer teams will compete and we wish them good luck and lots of fun.
House Athletics
The annual House Athletics Carnival is coming up in Week 2 of Term 3. It will be held at Casey Fields Athletics track. As well as the track and field events, there will also be novelty events, House colour dress ups and chants to participate in to earn points for your House. Consent forms should already have been finalised (for the House Carnivals) and I’m looking forward to seeing everyone there!