Middle School

Blue Edge
Thank you to Victoria Police for their excellent Blue Edge program which has been running at LSC during the last two terms. Some of our Students in Year 8 & 9 were fortunate enough to participate.
Organised and run by the Blue Light (Victoria Police), it will continue into next term and will involve Year 7 students as well.
The sessions run every Tuesday and Thursday from 7:00 to 8:45am and include a physical workout (with the PT Emma), a delicious breakfast and then a leadership / teamwork session with Brittany.
This term we have had Ms Giulieri, Mr Lakic and David Magele as the staff members with 24 enthusiastic students and it was such an amazing experience for everyone.
One of the highlights was the session where the police officers wore their uniforms, and the students were able to sit in the police vehicles with lights and sirens.
The culmination of program is the graduation ceremony (with parents/guardians) and the Longest Day Excursion.
Year 7 Girls Netball
Keep up the great work; Our Year 7 Girls Netball team who have represented LSC in the community and have been playing well this term.
Year 9 Science Report
On Tuesday the 14th of June, some of the year nine students went to Ecolinc. Ecolinc is a science and technology innovations centre. We participated in the 'Be a DNA detective' program. This is a program where we have to solve a problem. Who smuggled the pygmy possums into the country?
After a very long drive, we stretched our legs and were ready to start. To begin the day we went and looked at the pygmy possum. As the day continued, we answered some questions and we got to use equipment that you wouldn't normally use. Some of the equipment that we got to use was micro pipettes, gel electrophoresis and restrictive enzymes to cut the DNA into pieces. As the day neared the end, we had discovered which suspect had smuggled the pygmy possums into the country. It was a great day and we learnt lots. Thank you to Mrs Maheswaran for organising the program and Ms Kinchington and Alex for taking us there.
Thank you Olivia A. for your news item.