
In Mindfulness, we focused on the topic of Positive Communication. 

We have been learning to develop communication skills to promote prosocial behaviour and build on positive relationships.


For this meditation students were asked to practise something called mindful speaking. To do this they were required to sit opposite one another, one person being the mindful speaker and the other being the mindful listener. Students took turns of listening to the speaker without responding, focusing on improving their listening skills. 


If you would like to access the Smiling Mind program at home, go to: https://www.smilingmind.com.au

In Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships, the Year 5s are focusing on the topic of Personal Strengths. 


We have been learning to identify character strengths we admire in others and to identify the kind of actions that match particular character strengths. 


For this lesson, students needed to think of a fictional character who they admire because of the things they do. They then needed to write down what some of these ‘admirable actions’ are and discuss these actions with a partner.