Keep on Learning

Build your Life on Jesus!
The prep students in music class have been learning about the way music is used to communicate meaning. Last week students listened to a song by Colin Buchanan and had to write or draw about what the music was about.
There were some BEAUTIFUL examples of their work reflecting on what it means to build our lives on Jesus! This is super important through these tricky times, so be encouraged, and keep looking to the Lord in all things!
This week, their task is to choose a favourite picture book and create their own music as a backing track (using a kids music website for composition play).
Here is a fabulous reading by Kayla, of the first half of Jonah. She has used some great music choices. It made my day, so I hope it blesses yours too!
God bless,
Rachel Ranger
Primary Music Teacher
100 Days of Prep
Preps celebrated their 100th day of school on Monday 17th August. Below is a video message sent out to them with photos and special messages from St Andrews staff.
STEM in the Junior School
I have been so proud of the way our students have adapted to their new style of learning. In my role as STEM specialist teacher in the Junior School we have had to be very creative with our activities. The students have been working on cardboard arcade games and models of amusement parks. Some of the results have been incredible and shows how necessity is really the mother of invention.
The reflection of a creator God had been so beautifully displayed in the students' ability to tap into an amazing level of creativity and ingenuity. I want to commend all the students who are embracing and creating in this season of learning. We as teachers are so proud.
Yvonne Hughes
Head of Junior School
Happiness in Year 4
The Year 4 students wrote about Happiness for one of the writing activities this week as they continue exploring poetry this term. We have done free verse on Happiness and here are some snippets to brighten your day!
Happiness it being able to have God in your heart and have strength, hope and wisdom – Gabriel
Happiness is being grateful for my Dad’s friends because they organised to have meals delivered for his birthday – Micah
Happiness is playing outside with my sisters, Leah and Kayla - Marcus
Happiness is having an indoor fire going on at home – Nathan
Happiness is when the COVID 19… has gone away – Declan
Happiness is a Friday afternoon when we leave on-line learning - Jonathan
Happiness is when we are all back learning together at school – Mrs van Heerden
Happiness is finding the iPad charger – Elva
Happiness is Coronavirus… after you recover - Aisha
Happiness is waking up with messy hair… and then you make it neat - Lorena
Mrs Gail van Heerden & Mrs Paige Cheung
Year 4 Teachers
Year 5 Poetry - Cinquain Poem by Zachary C of 5S
Vast worlds
Gigantic stars, Magical galaxies
Contained in one whole universe
Cool huh!
Primary Athletics
The Primary School has launched their first ever “Virtual Athletics”. Students earn points for their School House with each activity they complete, with some of the more difficult activities earning bonus points. So far Barton is in the lead with Deakin close on their heels.
Check out Jovelyn Ng (Prep) and Zoe Appleby (Year 1) smashing their 100m sprints from home.
The Virtual Cross Country finished with amazing results!
The SACC staff challenged the students to a “Virtual Cross Country” to see who could cover more distance during isolation. The staff completed 303 walks/runs with a total distance of 1574km covered. Special shout out to Mr Swanborough who submitted over 120kms worth of runs!
“Awesome work everyone for your Cross Country efforts! You guys all hit it out of the park with your entries. Look after yourselves – stay safe and stay active!” – The Sports Department
1st Place WINNERS = Deakin
2nd Place = Parkes
3rd Place = Barton
BOY | GIRL | |
Year 5 | James Kwon (11:35 – 3km) | Cynthia Demunk (11:38 – 3km) |
Year 6 | Joshua Deng (11:27 – 3km) | Katie Yee (16:39 – 3km) |
Year 7 | Ethan Gregor (13:24 – 3km) | Ruby Baxter (14:49 – 3km) |
Year 8 | Joshua Lam (22:50 – 4km) | Laura Hooi (13:49 – 3km) |
Year 9 | Andrew Chen (15:00 – 4km) | Kate Courtis (15:40 – 3km) |
Well done everyone!
St Andrews Sport Department
What I have learned and treasured during lockdown
During this lockdown we have had many opportunities to learn and grow our knowledge. One of the actives my family have been doing is a mini garden in our mailbox for a bit of colour on the street.
I took about 4 days to complete all the elements but now it is finished many people stop to look at it. It was fun making it and designing the elements to create it, but the one thing I took away from this project is the smallest things can make a big impact. We have noticed many people stopping to look and enjoy the colour. Sometimes the small things can turn everything around so it is just as important to see the smaller picture as well as the bigger picture.
Summer McKenzie - 7H
Something I learnt during lockdown is that we need to be really organised on a daily basis, so we can complete all our work on time. Something I also learnt during lockdown is that even though we have to work really hard, we can still have lots of fun with our families, doing things like baking and watching a movie together. Most importantly, I learnt that God is in control, of things that we can’t control and we can have faith in Him to deliver us from this pandemic.
Emily He - 7H
During online learning, I have learnt that you have to leave things be and let God be in control. Don’t get stressed about a situation, adjust to it. Everything that happens is planned by God. God is not surprised by anything and will always be in control.
Sidra Dharmadasa - 7H
Year 4
Year 4 students have created some great self portraits in the style of Julian Opie.
Year 5
Sunny Lai of 5S worked hard and put in a wonderful effort during his art lesson while on Campus this week.
Year 6 Cardboard Contour Portraits
Year 6 Sculpting Practice
We've seen some amazing works as the Year 6 students have been completing their sculpting practice.
Year 7 Paper Animations
Working on 'Story development'
Year 9 Portraits
Year 9 Art Students have been working on a Portraiture Unit during continuous online learning. Many students have thrived in their home environment, as they have learned new skills and overcome the personal challenges of independent learning. It’s remarkable what the students are capable of achieving if they set their minds to it, but most of all, it’s a privilege to see their reignited confidence when they discover their God-given creative giftings.
Tom Gibbs
Senior School Art Teacher
Careers Education
The High School Cancer Masterclasses is an educational outreach program for Year 10 students. The program helps students develop a foundational understanding of cancer and extends their knowledge beyond the usual Year 10 science curriculum.
During tutorials, tutors cover topics ranging from the basics of cell biology to the treatment and prevention of cancer. Our tutors are Anna Gabrielyan, a PhD candidate in Medicine and Health Sciences at the University of Melbourne and Akanksha Mahajan, Bachelor of Medical Science and Doctor of Medicine (BMedSci/MD) student at Monash University.
Hi! My name is Anna Gabrielyan and together with Akanksha Mahajan we deliver the program to St Andrews students. Due to the COVID pandemic, the program is via Zoom. Our Masterclasses are on Wednesday afternoons and we’ve already completed three masterclasses: Basics of Cancer Biology, Causes of Cancer and Cancer Prevention & Screening. In our next class we will look at Cancer Treatment and finalise the topic for students’ presentation ‘Cancer Project’. In my own research I focus on cancer cell death. I am specifically working on targeting proteins to induce cancer cell death. I am currently in my last year of PhD and am planning to continue my career on cancer research.
It is a great pleasure for us to work with a group of young and curious students from St Andrews Christian College and their friendly teacher Irena Yevlahova.
The Kwong Lee Dow Young Scholars Program is an academic enrichment program designed to support high achieving Victorian students.
The Program offers the chance to sample student life first-hand, and the opportunity to build strong peer networks that will support students throughout their final years of secondary school and during your transition to university. Selection occurs in Year 10 on the basis of the students’ academic performance, community contribution and leadership skills.
Five outstanding St Andrews Year 10 students have been nominated for the Young Scholars Program. Congratulations to Sarah Farmer, Julia Pajor, Andrea Chai, Caitlyn Smith, Roselyn Kho on your nomination. We are very proud of your achievements and wish you all the best with your applications!
Mrs Irena Yevlahova
Careers Coordinator