Celebrating God’s Creation and Art
I am so pleased to celebrate with Inseo Yang from 5L on the selection of her painting of an owl, in a competition run by the International Owl Centre, reproduced to both hang as a set of greeting cards and a banner in Minnesota USA for the next 5 years.
Inseo demonstrated both persistence, her love of birds and a willingness to use her God given creativity to paint a beautiful painting of an owl. Congratulations to Inseo Yang.
Sally Darlison
Junior & Middle School Art Teacher
Building on, Trusting in God and Working together.
“There is unwavering peace today, when an uncertain tomorrow us trusted to an unchanging God” - Anne Voskamp.
This season is an opportunity to really lean in and trust God despite all that is going on around us. We are so grateful that we serve a God who is in control and who is not surprised by the circumstances we find ourselves in. May you know God’s peace despite the storm.
Continuous Online Learning has continued to change and adapt with time and experience. We are aiming to address the needs that arise and partner with parents to ensure students continue to grow and develop. Stage 4 restrictions have greatly impacted the number of students able to learn on campus. This has meant that there have been changes to how we are currently supporting many students.
Wendy Punay and some of the Learning Assistants are continuing to provide supervision at school. All Learning Assistants are now also scheduling regular Zoom meetings with many students who may need additional support to access their learning, encouragement to keep going, or someone to chat and check in with. This not only provides support to parents who may be finding this season stressful or difficult, but also provides an opportunity for building relationships, and ensuring that learning is continuing.
If you need further support or help please email Learning Support:
Shirley Gillie - Head of Learning Support:
Wendy Punay - Learning Support Teacher - Primary:
Kerryn Terrington - Learning Support Teacher – Secondary:
Shirley Gillie
Head of Learning Support
Year 7/8 Sports Championship Kahoot
On Tuesday 11th August, the Year 7s and 8s competed in a series of sport Kahoots.
The topics that were covered were basketball, football and soccer. Over 100 students competed against their friends for the leaderboard.
After the first three Kahoots, there was a finals championship between the winners of the three topics. The results were the as follows: first place, Jehan Brito-Babapulle (8C), second place, Ethan Gregor (7C), and third place Sidra Dharmadasa (7H).
Everyone had lots of fun competing and it was wonderful to see everyone’s faces during lockdown. Seeing everyone again felt like we were all together; that we weren’t really isolated, and it reminded us that there is a strong community at our school. The sense of community is much needed and appreciated during this hard lockdown and period of isolation. Events like these bring people back together.
Hannah Connolly
8C Student
CSEN Mastermind Primary Championship
Unusual times require unusual methods and the annual CSEN Mastermind Primary Championship was no exception. Usually an excursion full of quiz style questions broken into 5 subject areas, this year students competed via Zoom rounds throughout the day.
The morning started out well despite a few technical hiccups and students competed with a great attitude even when they got dropped out of their Kahoot games. It was encouraging to see our students so involved and enjoying this unique version of the Mastermind Competition.
For the second year running, our Primary team brought home first place!
Congratulations to the team:
Science: Nathan Miao & Jayden Khor
English: Ethan Wang & Naomi Law
Maths: Joshua Deng & Louis Sun
HASS : Annika Li & Joanna Kwe
General Knowledge: Daniel Lee & Joseph Zhu
“I was quite nervous at first but as the competition went on I started realising that maybe I did have a chance. And we did! We came first in the competition. Thanks to all the teachers for organising it. It was fun.” – Ethan Wang
“It was fun and enjoyable to see other schools compete.” – Joshua Deng
"It was a great game. Everyone showed great teamwork and perseverance. I hope I can do that again, it was a tough but fun day. I would also like to take the chance to say a big thank you to other schools for trying their best and being a great team player.” – Louis Sun
"It was thanks to God that we won and got an opportunity to compete in the CSEN masterminds competitions." - Joanna Kwe
CSEN Mastermind Secondary Championship
Our secondary team competed on Monday for the CSEN Mastermind Championship. They came a very close second to Waverley CC (by 1.5 points). It was great seeing the students represent St Andrews so well – not just in answering often obscure questions, but in their conduct and manner during the competition.
Well done to the team:
Andrea Chai
Michelle McCabe
Sophia Tran
Roselyn Kho
Jase Paul
Kayle Dharmadasa
Charlie Lamperd
Julia Pajor
Nathan Kong
Travis Lam
Kerryn Terrington
Learning Support Teacher