Reminders to Parents

Free Year 7 or 10 Vaccinations

Did your children miss the free Year 7 or Year 10 vaccinations when they were given at school?

These vaccinations included HPV vaccine and Diphtheria/Tetanus/Whooping Cough for Year 7 and Meningicoccal for Year 10?

Your child can still access them at no cost through the Doctors in Schools Program.

Contact Una Hunt, Sub School Office at school, to make an appointment (5024 1522).  Let her know this is what the appointment is for so the Doctors in School Nurse can ensure they are available.

Drop Off and Pick Up of Students

A reminder to all parents and guardians that students should be dropped off or picked up along the front fence in the morning or end of day and not in the staff/visitor car park.  If you need to collect your child/ren throughout the day please send them with a note so they sign out at the correct time and you can collect them from front reception. Parents/Visitors to the college must sign in at front reception and are not permitted to be in the yard or college buildings without a staff member. 


Doctors in Schools Program

Red Cliffs Secondary College is celebrating its third year running the Doctor’s in Secondary School’s program, providing the student’s with a doctor and a nurse every Thursday morning.  The clinic is open from 9.30 am to 1.00 pm every Thursday morning  with bookings being made at the Sub School Office.  Students can make their own appointments with no fee as it is a government funded program. The doctor can be accessed by students for any medical issues they may be having and the service provided runs in the same way as any regular GP clinic. If you would like to attend the doctor with your child you can do this also. Simply call Una in the Sub School Office and she can book the appointment.