School Report 

Remote Learning Update

As the days roll into weeks, we are all settling in to a new routine while having to dig deeper to manage this extended lock-down period. Stage 4 lock-down has no doubt made us all change the way we do things in our daily lives. What is important however, is that we all remain safe, healthy and optimistic that life will return to normal in the not too distant future.  Relationships and connections are more important than ever. It therefore stands to reason that we are all finding the distance and isolation difficult to deal with at the moment. We know that for many students, this is the most challenging consequence of the COVID pandemic they have to cope with and having been so strong for many weeks now, their resilience is being tested.  


We continue to appreciate your feedback around remote learning and for the majority of families, learning from home Round 2 seems to be going along smoothly. We have heard many times how much more independent and resilient our students have become during this time, which is fabulous to hear! In clarifying our remote learning parameters for the coming weeks, we again reiterate that remote learning is a modified learning platform that does not aim to replicate the classroom environment. 

A Continued Focus on             Well-being

Our children spend a lot of time moving around at school, so it’s important to ensure that they are still engaging in activities they enjoy while they’re at home.  It is important to spend some time outside in the fresh air, riding, gardening or walking.  Staying active as a family can also have positive impacts on mood for everyone, not just kids, so it’s also important that adults get involved. It is also equally important to look after yourself as a parent or carer; keep an eye on your sleeping, eat well, spend time doing activities you enjoy and look into relaxation and mindfulness techniques to help maintain your own sense of calm.  Getting this balance right will help children continue to engage with their education while they’re at home.

Make time for what matters - click on the link below for a weekly well-being challenge that the whole family can do.

Please refer to our Health and Well-being page for more information.

Parent - Teacher Interviews

 It was wonderful to see so many of our families engaging in parent/teacher conferences this week. This was a highly valuable opportunity to discuss student learning progress, how they are adapting to the remote learning program, and partnering in actions to support each student, particularly during this challenging time. Although interviews looked very different this time around, they still provided the opportunity to share some important information. 

Science Week 17-21 August

National Science Week is celebrated each year in August. Science encompasses many different areas - biological, physical, chemical, computer and environmental just to name a few! Science has the capacity to change our lives and can lead to many job opportunities in the future. Science is a subject loved by many students as it is hands on, fun and provides lots of points of discussion. While it is a very different type of Science Week celebration this year in Victoria, we encourage all families to complete a science activity in their home during Science Week.

ScienceWorks has some great activities on their website:

Enrolments - 2021

Do you have a sibling starting at LPPS in 2021? Have you completed and returned an enrolment form? Enrolments are being accepted now for next year. Please help us to confirm numbers for 2021 by contacting the office to confirm your intentions to enrol for next year.   We hope to be able to have some K-F transition sessions later in the year, depending on the direction of the Victorian Government in terms of restrictions being lifted. 

Daffodil Day

Friday 28th August 2020

This year, the Daffodil Day Appeal aims to raise more than $2 million for life-saving cancer research, but it will look a little different this year. Australians can donate a daffodil to raise funds for life-saving cancer research. The Daffodil Day Appeal culminates on Friday 28th August 2020.

It would be wonderful to see everyone wear something yellow on daffodil day. Yellow symbolises Happiness, Optimism, Brightness and Creativity! It’s no wonder daffodils are the flowers chosen to represent the Cancer Council.

Staff Absences

Just a note to inform families that on the rare occasion that your child’s class teacher is ill or is required to be on-site for supervision at school, live schedules and learning conferences on that day will not be able to be carried out. We will inform you of this by adding a post to Google Classroom on the morning of the absence. Whilst we would like to be able to reschedule live meets, this is unfortunately not possible due to the other meetings and commitments staff have throughout the week. We thank you for your understanding in this matter.

Student Attitudes to School Survey (AToSS) 2020

The annual 2020 Student Attitudes to School Survey (AtoSS), is coming up shortly. All children in Years 4, 5 and 6 across the state of Victoria are invited to participate. 

The survey is one tool we use to capture the voice and ideas of our students. We value student voice as a means to improving student engagement, well-being and quality instruction.

This year, the survey also includes some questions about student health and well-being and student perceptions of COVID-19. Understanding health and well-being needs has always been important, but especially so this year, and the Department is providing this survey to allow schools to capture this information to support students. Students will be asked about their thoughts and feelings in relation to their school, family, friends, health (including mental health) and well-being, and bullying. 

Families of students in Years 4, 5 and 6 are asked to watch out for a consent form which will be posted on Compass shortly. 

Learn with ABC TV Education  

Extended Education programming on ABC ME

ABC TV Education has added an additional 30 minutes of Foundation/Kindergarten level English, Maths, Art and Science programming to their daily schedule. Their extended schedule of Education TV will be broadcasting from 9.30am weekdays.

ABC TV Education is broadcasting programs that can assist Victorian teachers and parents facilitating learning from home. This handy schedule is a great one to bookmark.

A Final Word

Thank you for your continued investment into your kids’ learning; your energy and patience is recognised by us all.  Remember, we all have good and bad days, and with resilience and patience we will continue to support each other. 


Launching Place Primary School Staff