Student Engagement & Wellbeing

Congratulations to our families for surviving Term 3 Remote learning with your teenagers - it has certainly been a year of uncertainty and new experiences!
In this most unusual term, some of the positives from this experience include the noticeable increase in family walks and bike-rides I have noticed around the Box Hill area – it has been lovely to see so many of our families spending time together on bike and walking paths in the community. Families have also been able to spend more time together on other various activities such as games, puzzles, movie nights, table tennis, cooking, gardening and walking their dogs.
This term has been difficult for a number of our families and understandably there have been students who have struggled at times with feeling anxious and isolated during Remote Learning. The Engagement teams and Wellbeing teams regularly reached out to many students and offered support and strategies to improve wellbeing, motivation and learning. Many teachers took up the opportunity to attend an online professional learning session run by our Wellbeing team to outline strategies for supporting students who may be experiencing anxiety. Key messages were around providing calm supportive guidance, promoting realistic thinking and encouraging students to take small steps towards the work, rather than avoidance (which can lead to more anxiety in the long-run). Parents have also had the opportunity to join webinars this term hosted by Joshua Coulson and Michael Carr-Gregg.
There have also been many students who have also reported that they have enjoyed the flexibility in planning their learning for the week and being able to work for longer periods on specific subjects. However most students are keen to get back to school and see their friends!
The Engagement and Wellbeing teams have run weekly posts and challenges over the term for each year level team, including information on being safe online, 'Mission Possibles' for mental health challenges including a focus on gratitude/resilience/positive relationship, and promoting good mental and physical health (including Headspace resources). Students and staff contributed to assemblies with pictures of pets, messages to friends, and their most popular take-away and what they saw on their regular walks!
The school promoted RUOK? Day on Thursday 10 September, through highlighting how important it was more that ever to keep in touch with families and friends, and how to support them if someone says they are not OK.
DET Wellbeing Resources for Families
The Education Department has created many resources to support families during Remote Learning and it is worthwhile reading over information on the following site:
Free Online Parenting Advice
Triple P – Positive Parenting is a free online tool to help you:
- raise happy, confident and resilient children,
- manage misbehaviour so everyone in the family enjoys life more,
- encourage positive behaviour,
- set family routines and rules that everyone can follow,
- balance work and family life with less stress,
- take care of yourself.
The program is suitable for families with children between the ages of 2 and 16 years.
The current pandemic has raised new parenting challenges for everyone. The program, funded by the Victorian Government, helps parents during these challenging times.
Find out more at the Triple P program website.
2021 Student Laptop Program
We are currently finalising the 2021 Laptop Program, with information soon to go out to our incoming Year 7 families and current Year 9 families. The device selected for 2021 is the Lenovo ThinkPad L13 Yoga Gen 1 (8GB and Win 10 Home) and will also include the three-year warranty. We have certainly seen from this year how important it is to have a high-quality reliable device! The updated Laptop Information Booklet with the Acceptable Use Agreement will be accessible on Compass next term.
- Kellie Ind, Assistant Principal