
Don’t Stop The Music … Again
Well it has been another challenging term for the music department amidst stage four lockdown, but that has not deterred the majority of students who are continuing lessons week in and week out. It is certainly evident that music is great for one’s mental health and it is great to see many students benefit from having music during this period. We look forward to seeing students return to school and finish the year having experienced some ensemble playing and participating in on-site lessons.
We are currently working out a plan for Term 4 that will most benefit the music students. We are very conscious of the fact that many Year 12 students who have been with us since Year 7, will only have a few weeks left in the music program and wish to give them the send-off they deserve. Stay safe, stay well and don’t stop the music!
Budding Composer Takes His First Step
Congratulations to Hayden Taylor of Year 11, who has been selected to participate in Open Fanfare, a new creative development program from Artology. His composition 20th Century Blast was selected from over 100 entries submitted this year. The cellist and budding composer will workshop his piece with mentors Nicholas Vines, Lyle Chan, Nicole Murphy, Chrysoulla Markoulli and Alexander Voltz; and attend a concert on 30th September at Queensland Performing Arts Centre by the Queensland Youth Orchestra and conductor. An awesome opportunity for Hayden and well-deserved recognition for his work. We look forward to following Hayden's journey over the next month. [see more information including an account from Hayden about his experience, on the Student Achievements page]
Year 12 Music Students - Good Luck!
As the weeks left in 2020 start to dwindle, we wish our Year 12 Music students well, as they prepare for their final exams. It has been wonderful to see the students develop their skills and musical knowledge over the years, and simply grow up before our eyes.
Some of our Year 12 Music students, and when they were younger
Most of the students began playing in the year 7 Concert Band, the String Ensemble or choir and have continued to put in many hours of rehearsals during the six years they have been at Box Hill High School. As usual we have a very passionate group of Year 12 students who have involved themselves in all facets of the program. The Band Camp at Camp Oasis was a highlight for many students, along with Musical Productions, lunchtime concerts and the Spring Concert. Many of the students also took the opportunity to participate in the many Regional activities including the Regional Concert at Hamer Hall.
They have all been valuable members of the music program and we will miss them as they take off into the world where many opportunities await them. I am sure music will continue to be an important part of their lives. Thank you, Andre, Mitchell, Lucas, Dheran, Max, Evan, Ashlynn, Amy Elliott, Ella, Yeonu, Grace and Simon.
Virtual Music Performances
Congratulations to all of the students who participated in the Virtual Concert Band and Virtual String Ensemble during the Remote Learning period. Initiated by the North East Victoria Region Instrumental Co-ordinators, students had the opportunity to take part in the virtual performance in absence of their school ensembles. Students were provided with a click track and their music to practice, then made a video recording before sending it into the Region. Laura Mitchell, a Melbourne-based woodwind player then put it all together. Congratulations to all students involved. The final products can be enjoyed by clicking below.
- Troy Rogers, Director of Music