Student Leadership

As the whole school community grappled with the return to remote learning in Term 3, students were encouraged to prioritise their classes and studies to ensure as smooth a transition as possible. Due to the disruption and ongoing uncertainty, it was difficult at times to maintain momentum, but even though it was tough, our student leaders forged ahead! Here are some of our Term 3 success stories.
Student Representative Council
As promised last term, the breezeway underpass mural is now complete and eagerly awaiting your admiring gaze! [See a photo on our cover page and the timelapse video below]
Over the past two years, SRC teams have worked tirelessly to consult students, liaise with Art Captains, and find the perfect artist to make it happen; and they have done a fantastic job! Box Hill High School would like to once again thank talented artist, Alex Sugar, for completing such a beautiful landscape design!
What was once a dark, creepy corridor is now a bright, inspiring space – so don’t forget to check it out when we return to school!
We are extremely proud of very own SRC co-President, Belle White of Year 10, has been elected to the VicSRC Executive Committee for 2021. See more in the Student Achievements section.
House Update
The lockdown has certainly put a damper on school sport this year, but never-the-less, there were still some opportunities to get active and celebrate! Congratulations to the following students who took part in Victoria’s Virtual Cross-Country Challenge:
Abbey Wijaya (Year 10)
Tristian Goldburg (Year 9)
Sehwan Chun (Year 10)
Iona Wilson (Year 11)
Zane Garrett (Year 10)
Liam Parigi (Year 11)
Your efforts are inspiring! We are proud of you for taking the initiative to maintain your physical fitness in lockdown and represent BHHS in this challenge!
Students have also been busy earning house points by reading and participating in the weekly boggle challenges run by our fabulous library staff, Ms Pearson and Ms McQueen. This has been a great way to keep house competitions alive despite the lack of sports carnivals, so if you want to see your house climb the ladder, be sure to check Compass and submit your guesses each week!
We ended the term in style by celebrating BHHS Superhero Week in week 9, a theme week organised by the House Captains to raise spirits in the midst of lockdown. Students were encouraged to dress up as superheroes and submit their costumed photos for house points. Some even got in the spirit by re-creating famous battle scenes from their favourite superhero film and submitting videos - amazing! Well done to everyone who dressed up and on behalf of everyone in student leadership, congratulations for doing your bit and being a Covid superhero this year!
Congratulations to Noor Ayaz of 7H for winning the Superhero Theme Week Challenge and earning 200 points for Red House! The House Captains agreed that Noor's entry was the most creative and they also appreciated the positive message of hope behind the hero. Thanks for being such a wonderful inspiration to us all, Black Diamond!
- Sarah Weyenberg, Student Leadership Coordinator
I made up this superhero, her name is ‘Black Diamond.’ I kind of came up with this theory on why I dressed up as ‘Black Diamond’, so basically, the silver necklace represents the speck of hope during this unprecedented time we’re going through. The whole black part of the costume represents the darkness of this time. The hope stands out in the darkness. Finally, the emerald part is the cape (the closest thing I could find for a cape) because every superhero HAS to have a cape!"
- Noor Ayaz, 7H