Year 7 Pastoral Guardian

Bravery comes in all shapes and sizes and is different for everyone.  Bravery can be about sharing worries and asking for help, trying something new, or pushing yourself outside your comfort zone.  Finding your brave can build your confidence and self-esteem, and make you feel good about yourself.


The theme for this week’s Parent Corner is How can my parents help me to find my brave?. Four Year 7 students were given the opportunity to write a paragraph in response to this question.  They addressed topics of public speaking, sport, academia, and navigating through ncertain times of COVID.  Hopefully the comments below may provide some insight into helping your daughter/s to finding their brave.


The idea of public speaking can be a little (okay, a lot!!) terrifying.  However, thanks to my parents, I have been able to find my brave and speak in public with confidence and positivity.  Although finding my brave and learning to enjoy public speaking has been difficult, my parents have taught me to embrace challenges, and have made it easier by listening to my worries and concerns and reassuring me.  My parents have encouraged me to communicate with them about the topic I will be speaking about, talking together, and asking me questions about the topic before my presentation.  Rehearsing out loud to my parents when preparing to speak in public, or within my class, has made me feel prepared and ready for my speech.  My parents have helped me develop a growth mindset by making me realise that challenges help me to grow.  This has made it easier to find my brave when publicly speaking.  Overall, finding my brave has been challenging, but having my parents by my side and supporting me in every way possible has made a huge difference to how I feel when publicly speaking.

Maeve Riley


Finding my brave can be difficult when it comes to sport, but my parents are always there to help me anytime, anywhere.  I train six times a week and my parents have always said it is important to keep a balance between sport and school.  They always make sure that I have the confidence to be able to juggle both commitments to the best of my ability.  Most importantly, their motivation, positivity, and guidance when it comes to my sport commitments always makes me feel that I can tackle anything.  Competitive sport can be hard, and there are always ups and downs that I cannot control.  Knowing my parents are always there for me through those times to keep me motivated and remain positive gives me confidence to find my brave.

Kaitlyn Di Francesco


Parents help shape the way we view the world, and constantly help us to find our brave. Our parents encourage us to strive to do our best academically and emotionally - whether that be sitting next to our desk while they patiently help us to understand a concept for a subject, or giving us advice on how to handle friendship conflict.  With our ever-changing world, and especially now, with the uncertainty of COVID-19, it is important that we remember that, if we need help finding our brave, we can look to our parents, who have been helping us find our brave for many years. 

Acacia Stockermans



This year has been different and challenging for all of us.  Not only have we had to readjust to learning from home, we had to stay organised and focused in every class.  Even though it has been hard to keep on task and stay on track with work during this year, it is important to think about how our parents have helped us find our brave.  They help us find our brave every day and try their very best to help with not only our emotions and social life but our academics - whether it was by having a conversation with you on how you are travelling or helping you understand a new concept.  All these things have impacted us in a positive way.  If you take the time to think about how your parents have helped you find your brave, I am sure you will be able to think of at least one way they have helped you.  I know my parents have helped me find my brave; they have done this by talking to me on how I need to stay on task, they have helped me understand different ideas and, overall, they have supported me from my first day of high school all the way to now.  I know they will still be there for me whenever I need support.

Liliana Lech


Conversation Starters

  • What do you need to find your brave?
  • When have you found your brave?
  • What difference did finding your brave made to your life?
  • How have you found your brave at school?
  • How have we helped you to find your brave?

Michael Butterworth