Careers News

“Hiya", it's Craig and Sarina from the Careers Office. We have a few quick updates for Careers events across the Middle and Senior school.

Year 9

Our Morrisby consults have kicked off and our students enjoying the chance to unpack their assessment results with the consultants. These will continue into weeks 6, 7 and 8 and any students that have not completed their assessments should contact Craig Browne on Compass before their interview is due.


Year 10:

VCAL applications are now live for those wishing to apply. Craig Browne is available for careers support to apply if students wish. Craig is also happy to have a chat about pathways and VCE/VET subjects if students or parents have questions.

Year 11

The main focus for Year 11 is knuckle down and work hard to ensure you prep yourselves for Year 12. Craig is happy to have a chat about pathways and VCE/VET subjects if students or parents have questions or are seeking backup pathway plans.

Year 12

VTAC has opened and the group interviews are starting next week and going live on Compass this week. Students should be completing their preference practice sheets, attending Virtual open days and gathering evidence for their SEAS and SCHOLARSHIP applications. PLEASE NOTE: Both ACU and SWINBURNE UNI have now released early entry programs for 2021 so if you are keen on courses at these universities contact Craig as soon as possible. As always Craig is happy to have a chat about pathways if students or parents have questions.