Sports News

Virtual House Cross Country (Run-Walk-Ride)

Over the next three weeks, the East Doncaster SC Virtual House Cross Country (Run-Walk-Ride) will be held for all members of the EDSC community (any students, family members and staff).


To enter, you are encouraged to either walk, run or cycle over a distance that you choose (and find challenging), whilst adhering to the Stage 4 restrictions set out most recently by the Victorian Government.


Students in Year 7 to 9 are encouraged to participate as many times as they like during their scheduled fortnightly Sport Education double period or at a time that best suits them. 


Other members of the EDSC community can also have multiple attempts at convenient times throughout the next three weeks.


Once you complete your designated run, walk or ride – submit your results via the following link 

House points will be determined from all results submittedwith regular weekly updates posted on Compass. Points will be awarded for each individual or multiple entry in this competition. 


Check out the promotional video below (created by Mr Jones) as inspiration - so start racking up those kilometres and get your family involved to help your house earn points!


 Michael James

Sporting Carnivals &

 House Activities Coordinator


 Glenn Baker

Years 7, 8 & 9 Sport Program Coordinator