From the Science Lab

Sherryl Crouch - Science Specialist

This week is Science Week but we will be celebrating it a bit later this term with an in-school activity on Forensic Science provided by Education Interactive. The in-school activity on September 8th and 9th is very hands-on and exciting as students will use science skills combined with their creative and critical thinking skills to solve a mystery. Watch out for the note and permission form. 


In class, we have continued conducting investigations in chemical science.


Year 2 students had fun looking for examples of different materials and doings rubbings of the material surfaces. They also had a lot of fun making oobleck to observe its liquid and solid properties.

Year 3 students were excited to look at how liquids and solids had changed after being left in the freezer for a week. Some changes were easily predicted but there were a few surprises.

Year 5 students have been investigating the properties of different materials and carried out an investigation to find out more about viscosity.

The Year 5 / 6 class had fun using a chemical reaction to power a boat.

Our chickens are looking for carers to feed them during the next holiday break. If you are able to assist with chicken feeding, please let me know. We also have a couple of free weekends before the end of the term.