Drama Activities

There is a wonderful, genuine sense of camaraderie across all year levels in the Drama Department in classes such as Year 11 and 12 combined Drama class, Drama Club, Theatresports, and Drama X. Students mentor one another and share a passion for performing, creative thinking and collaboration and, importantly, respect. Lessons together improvising, rehearsing, and performing and lunchtimes of laughter and dramatic fun make learning in Drama and the Arts a valuable life skill. Our committed students comment on a special sense of belonging and inclusion in all of the drama experiences.
Recently, the Year 11/12 combined class celebrated a rich year of Drama together with an Absurd-style banquet, rehearsing scenes from an Absurd-style play while they reflected on all that they had learned and shared in their development as young performers. In the final week of learning for Year 12s, the Drama Club celebrated and showed their appreciation for the leadership and enthusiasm of our Year 12 Drama Captains Therese DeBellis and Emily Stitt, and Cultural Captain Anna DeBellis, in a final Drama Club lunch. Observing students communicating and enjoying one another’s creative company across year levels is a most rewarding aspect for us as Drama teachers.
Karen Farrow & Elise Cohen