Touch Football

Over the past six school weeks, girls from Years 9 to 12 have participated in CaSSSA Touch Football, with two Intermediate teams and two Open teams being entered into the competition. The 2020 season saw a change in venues, with teams playing at Colmslie and Newmarket, as opposed to the typical Shaw Park and Villanova sports fields. In addition to playing on new grounds, students also experienced a change in playing conditions, with COVID-safe regulations being implemented. However, these new environments did not prevent the players' success or enjoyment. As a result of their diligent training and hard work, every team has secured a spot in the final, with Opens A and C going into the runner-up finals and Intermediate A and B contesting for premiership titles.
I thank the coaches, managers, referees, Mr White, Mrs Caruana, and all of the touch football players for contributing to a successful and fun 2020 season.
Aleisha Ling
2021 Touch Football Captain