
Tuesday morning saw our first swimfit session of the season. We had a great turnout of girls who were keen and ready to jump in the water. We would love to see even more girls participating in future sessions this term. All swimmers are welcome to join and sign up for Tuesday and Thursday morning sessions from 7.00 to 8.00am, coached by Peter Dale, an Olympic and Commonwealth Games swimmer.
Also, CASSA swim team trials are coming up and it would be great to see more girls having a go. Trials will be held on 13 and 23 November from 3.30 to 5.00pm at the Mount Alvernia Pool, as well as interschool practice meets. You can put your name down to trial via Student Notices.
There are many opportunities for girls to be involved in swimming this year as well as CASSA in 2021; we can’t wait to see you in the pool!
Kathryn Arcadio and Bella Collins