Senior School

Year 12 Celebration Day

Year 12 students enjoyed their celebration day today which began with a BBQ breakfast from 8.00 am. 

The Year 12 VCAL students organised a range of activities for all year 12’s to enjoy including Human Foosball, Bubble Soccer, a Mechanical Bull and fairy floss and a popcorn machine. Celebrations came to a peak with a teacher/student water fight. 

Students with the most creative costumes were given a head start after winning some water sprayers for their efforts. 

There was outstanding student participation and Ms Stewart and Mr Dennis sure didn’t hold back!


Senior School Staff

Exam Information

Congratulations to the Class of 2020 on finishing off the year in style! It has been great seeing all the smiles and laughter, as the excitement of finishing high school has begun to build. As we enter SWOTVAC, I thought it timely to provide information about the exams, what will happen in the event of school closure and the release of results on Wednesday, 30 December.


All exams have been planned following the COVID safe operations guide provided by the Department of Education. As part of this, exam venues will be cleaned between sessions and students will be spaced according to the Department of Health requirements. 


Students have also been provided with a copy of the Department guide for students, which provides important information on what they should do if they fell sick on the day of an exam. This document is great to have at hand, so I have attached it below for your convenience.

Students are encouraged to: 

  • Use SWOTVAC to complete practice exams and submit them to their teachers for feedback
  • Complete some practice exams in a face mask to get used to what it will be like in the exam venue
  • Arrive at each exam at least 45 mins before the scheduled start time. This will allow for the extra time it will take to get students in with COVID safe distancing.
  • Check the prohibited materials listed from page 2 in the VCE Exams Navigator (see attached file ) and remember: digital/ smartwatches, phones and bags are not permitted.

In the Event of a School Closure

If the school is required to close due to a COVID positive case, exams may need to be relocated. We have partnered with East Doncaster Secondary College and Canterbury Girls Secondary College and will relocate our exams to one of these venues if need be. 


Informing students and families that a school closure has occurred is going to be tricky, as this may not be confirmed with the school until late in the day: we know that some schools have received the directive to close as late as 10 pm. 


Doncaster Secondary College will send an email, via a Compass Event, to all students and families who have had their exam relocated as soon as possible. This means students and families must ensure they check their emails first thing each morning and last thing at night for the duration of the exam period to ensure they don't miss any email we send communicating a location change for an exam. 


The Compass Event will detail important information about the relocation such as where students should enter the East Doncaster Secondary College site and where to assemble. In the event of an exam closure, Doncaster Secondary College will use the parent consent function on Compass Events as an indication that the student/family has received and acknowledges the details of exam relocation.


The Release of Results on 30th December

VCE exam results are being released on Wednesday, 30 December, which is later than normal. Under normal circumstances, students are able to come in any time during the last two weeks of term and speak with our Careers Coordinator, Mrs Ramsay, if they have questions about pathway options once they know their final results. Given the results are being released during the school holidays, this level of in-person support is not possible. We will, however, be able to provide in-person support for students on the day the results are released. This means students can come into the Senior Centre between 9 am and 3 pm and speak with either Mrs Ramsay, Mr Dennis, Ms Stewart or Mrs McGee. Mrs Ramsay will be available to be contacted throughout the offer period.

Ty Dennis

Head of Senior School