Acting Principal's Report 

Mr Glenn Morris
Mr Glenn Morris

Welcome back Year 8, 9 and 10 students

At the beginning of this week, we welcomed back our Year 8, 9 and 10 students to on-site learning. This is a major transition for these students, and they will require some time to adjust to the different environment and change in routine. For this reason, curriculum programs have been adjusted in accordance with the Department of Education and Training Victoria (DET) guidelines. These adjustments have seen our staff increase their focus on supporting students to reconnect with their peers, and build routines.


Our upcoming Curriculum Day on Monday, 2 November has been structured in a way that staff will have the opportunity to continue to build knowledge and skills-based around the DET Term 4 Priorities. Specifically, the day will focus on:

  • Incorporating Literacy and Numeracy strategies into lessons
  • Extending and challenging high-ability students in the classroom
  • Differentiating for students below the expected level
  • Developing Personal and Social Capabilities and supporting help-seeking

Farewelling our Year 12 students

This week marked the end of classes for our Year 12 students. We are incredibly proud of them. They have demonstrated such amazing levels of resilience and have worked together to overcome their challenges. On Tuesday the students organised and led the teacher’s assembly, where they expressed their gratitude by presenting them with a card and gift. 


Today they had the opportunity to participate in celebration day activities. The students celebrated with a fashion parade, carnival activities and games. Their behaviour was outstanding and they were a credit to themselves, their families and the College. Whilst a number of performance and language exams have already been held, the majority of students will begin their exams with English and EAL on Tuesday 10th November. On behalf of the College community, I wish them all the best in their preparations for the end of year exams. We have also welcomed the news that Graduation ceremonies are permitted for students from the graduating year level and staff to attend. Whilst families are not able to physically attend, we will be looking at ways we can include you in this special event.   


Updated Guidelines

In line with developments in the community, outdoor contact and non-contact sport at school can resume. Outdoor interschool sport can resume in line with community sport, with health and safety measures in place. Indoor sport and recreation can resume in metropolitan Melbourne from 9 November but must be non-contact when indoors. School camps and excursions in metropolitan Melbourne cannot resume at this time.


Our music students and teachers will be pleased to know that the use of woodwind and brass instruments, singing, voice projection and dance – individual tuition and small groups is now permitted outdoors.


Staying COVID safe

The College has a COVID safety plan in place. The most important action school communities can take to reduce the risk of transmission of coronavirus (COVID-19), is to ensure that any unwell staff and students remain at home, even with the mildest of symptoms. All staff, students and visitors to schools should undertake regular hand hygiene, particularly on arrival to school, before and after eating, after blowing their nose, coughing, sneezing or using the toilet. Students should bring their own water bottle for use at school, as students should not drink directly from drinking fountains at this time. Taps may be used to refill water bottles. Sharing of food should not occur. All school-based staff and students aged 12 years and over must wear face masks at school, and when travelling to and from school.


Please note that parents/carers are not able to come on-site. Please contact the General Office if you need to speak to a staff member. We will then organise a phone call or video conference.


Support following traumatic events

Experiencing or hearing of traumatic events can lead to a range of physical and emotional responses. I have attached two resources and if needed, I invite you to discuss them with your child/children.


People are often looking for something to do that could help in this situation. Attached is a document that provides ‘tips for coping with the hard stuff’.


The Better Health Channel also has a range of information for supporting teenagers dealing with trauma. 

 As always there are a number of external supports available to parent/carers and their children if you more targeted supported is required over the weekend.


·         Beyond Blue 1300 22 4636

·         KidsHelpline 1800 55 1800

·         Parentline 13 22 89


The Wellbeing Team is available to support during school hours.


Glenn Morris

Acting Principal