
JuniorBoarding Activities/ Senior Boarding Activities and Events

Mr Jody Siegwalt and Fred
Mr Jody Siegwalt and Fred

The past two weeks have been exciting. With summer  finally here, the Junior and Senior Boarding students have been able to utilise the Kildare pool facilities, where they have been enjoying some fun water activities including underwater football and utilising the new pool equipment such as the mini basketballs. We have also been able to do some Senior activities on a Thursday evening. An example of this is was an excellent game game of cricket on the oval , where everyone was able to be involved. Lots of fun was had by all. 






On Wednesday nights for the past two weeks the students have been taking advantage of their common room space to come together to watch the State of Origin matches.  Last Wednesday the students were able to have a hotdog super (supplied by Mr Dave Lugton our Catering Manager), while watching the Blues take home a victorious win in game two. On Wednesday night the students watched the final State of Origin match whilst enjoying Pizza organised by the boarding supervisors. 


For the past four weeks, on a Thursday afternoon, Snoop the puppy has been visiting the boarders at Mount Erin Boarding. The students have been walking and playing with Snoop and "chilling out: with him. There have been constant questions “when is Snoop coming back?” as the students miss him being around and enjoy the time they spend with him. 

Jacinta, Madaleine, Jasmin, Snoop, Mackenzie, and Kaitlynn
Jacinta, Madaleine, Jasmin, Snoop, Mackenzie, and Kaitlynn

With the hot weather here we are looking to offer two mornings, where the students are able to be involved in fitness activities in the pool. This will start next week on Tuesday and Thursday beginning at 6.30am.  All the students will meet at 6.20am in the dining room before heading down to the pool. 


I have also been working with the Boarding Co-Captains in planning and preparing for the Christmas Party / Trivia night in week 8 . At this stage, the event should prove to be a great culmination to Term 4 and the 2020 Boarding year.



Mr Jody Siegwalt| Activities Officer