Junior Boarding

Junior Girls 

In the last two weeks we have been playing pool games with the girls to beat the returning summer heat! Boarding Supervisor Annika has been getting in and swimming with the girls. More COVID restrictions are being lifted and now students have been going to water polo.

The girls have been enjoying Siggy's dog Snoop


The girls were so happy to be able to participate in the friendly competition between the Wagga Wagga school basketball teams.


Ms Sheridan Gyles and Ms Annika Brown | Junior Girls Supervisors


Junior Boys

The State of Origin clash is always a series of exciting nights in any east coast Aussie Boarding house. This year’s is no exception due to the games being at a tie for the final night this week. The colour blue is dominant amongst the boys but there is a faint smattering of maroon. 

“The only way to prove that you’re a good sport is to lose.”
Ernie Banks (American Professional Baseballer)

In the end, the Maroons defeated the Blues in the final and deciding match!


For many of the boys this time of year means leave to help with harvest. Some are putting these skills to the test through a game on their phones called Farm Simulator.  It is fun to hear them talking about how many acres they have  harvested or the crops they have sold and at what price.


“Farming is a profession of hope.” (Brett Brian)
“I would rather be on my farm than be emperor of the world.”  (George Washington)
Will, Ronan and Harry playing Farm Simulator
Will, Ronan and Harry playing Farm Simulator


Ms Robin Bussenschutt and Mr Connor Galvin | Junior Boys Supervisors