Classroom News - Year 5

Mrs Smith, Mr Lester and Mrs Newsome

                           Goodbye Year 5

At the end of a rather strange year of home-schooling and face-to-face teaching, we would like to compliment our incredible students on how well they have adapted to very challenge that has come their way. 


We have been very blessed to work with this group of children this year, and we wish them every success in Year 6 and at high school.


Thank you parents for your incredible support and patience also and for the trust you have placed in us to educate and care for your precious children.


Today, we have some very excited and elated students who have received a leadership role at St Mary's for 2021. We may also have some sad and disappointed young people. To these we say, you are all leaders and are all capable of shining your light brightly and making St Mary's a great place to be.     Mrs Smith, Mr Lester & Mrs Newsome


On a personal note, as I come to the end of my time at this school, I wish to thank the kids I have been so blessed to work with over my 28 years here, their parents who have been so incredibly supportive and friendly and to the wonderful colleagues and friends, I have had the privilege of working alongside. I will miss every one of you.  Liane Smith



Congratulations to all our Year 5 children on the enthusiasm they showed during our Engineering Challenge. We had some wonderful structures created with the strongest holding 40 books! Mrs Newsome