Facilities News 


Dr Denise Clarke 

Facilities Manager 

Dr Denise Clarke
Dr Denise Clarke












New Building Steps.

We are putting the final touches to the new building. Work has begun on the steps leading from the walkways to the playgrounds.  This will take about two weeks to complete.

Fencing in PG2
Outside walkway Middle years
Protective fencing for steps building
Workman digging for the foundations.
Fencing in PG2
Outside walkway Middle years
Protective fencing for steps building
Workman digging for the foundations.



The library shelves are looking good. All the boxes of books have been returned to the library waiting for staff to re-house in the appropriate sections.  There is a lot of shelving and many, many books to put away. This will take a while as staff only have one or two hours after school times to work on the library. 

New Library Shelving
Angle 1
Angle 2
New Library Shelving
Angle 1
Angle 2


Rain and storm water

Rain tests out the school facilities every time.  We have had some leaks in the primary corridor.  One room had driers dry out the carpet as well as fixing the problem on the roof. These matters have been addressed.  Some sheets of new roofing were installed.  


In addition, one of the storm water pumps failed causing flooding in Playground 4. The pump was replaced during the week so we are well placed for the spring rains in that area of the school.



This is a perennial issue in all schools, but at Jacana we had loads of equipment that goes in and out of storage depending on the needs of the students at various times, for example the kitchen play toys - sink, stove are needed for teaching routines or concepts but are not needed  in classrooms on an on-going basis. Sensory equipment also takes up much space.