Senior School Report  

Despite VCE and VCAL classes being finished, this is still a very busy time for Senior School students and staff. 

Year 11 and Year 12 examinations have run smoothly.

We are in the middle of the Year 11 into 12 Orientation Program.  

Students who are doing Year 12 VCE in 2021 will have their first Formative Assessment at the end of the three week program.


The Year 11 reports are due to the Coordinators on Friday 20th November. Parent/guardian meetings will be held for students who have not met the Promotion Policy and the Attendance Policy.


Our Annual Year 12 Graduation/Awards Evening was held at the school for the first time. It was lived streamed to the school community. It was a prestigious and inspiring event which showed just how talented so many of our students are and how hard they had worked during the COVID-19 pandemic. It was a graduation of a different kind, but our student did us proud.


It was the first time since Term 1 that they were together celebrating in one place.

The Year VET music class performed for their peers and the audience who were watching remotely. We also had Year 12 students who were not in the VET Music class perform for their peers. Congratulations to all.


Year 11 students will have their final assembly on Wednesday 18th November. This is when they will receive awards for their achievements in their classes during the year.


A few dated to put in your diaries for the beginning of 2021, if the year starts smoothly and free from COVID-19 restrictions

  • Study Camp for all Year 12 (2021) students: Thursday 11th  February and Friday 12th  February 2021
  • Parent Information evening for all Year 12 students for 2021 and their parents/guardians is on Wednesday, 3rd  February 2021 starting at 6:30pm
  • Parent Information evening for all Year 11 students for 2021 and their parents/guardians is on Wednesday 24th  February 2021 starting at 6:30pm

Many thanks to the parents who contact us when their child is absent for any reason. This is of great assistance to the Year Level Coordinators, as we will call home regularly if there are any unexplained absences for your child.


 The Case Management process continues to monitor closely the attendance, achievement and individual needs of all our students. Please contact us on 9366 2555 if you have any queries or concerns about the progress of your child.




Ms Stav Bekiaris

Senior Sub School Leader