Education in Faith

Caitlan Taig


The theme for this school year is ‘Courage’. This year we will focus on practising courage, to see it in everyday situations, and to celebrate it with our peers. We encourage you to have lots of chats at home too about acts of courage your child/ren see throughout the day. Examples could include trying something new, making new friends, or having a go at a task when it feels tricky or unfamiliar. 


This year’s theme builds on 2021’s theme of ‘Love’ and 2022’s theme of ‘Kindness’. 


Religious Education and Inquiry for 2023

Our teachers work hard to integrate our RE and Inquiry topics where possible. By working under one topic in both areas, we will establish stronger connections and deeper learning for the students. A key aspect of curriculum design in a Catholic school is to challenge learners to explore and consider deep questions, and big ideas.


An inquiry-based approach to learning invites student voice in shaping their curriculum. Part of their learning is driven by the areas of need within each class and level, as well as the interests of the individual students. Through inquiry-based learning, we aim to instil skills in our students as lifelong learners.


For 2023, the term topics will be as follows:

Term 1 - Community

Religious Education - Church and Community

Inquiry - SWELL and History

Term 2 - Our World

Religious Education - God, Religion and Life

Inquiry - Biological Science

Term 3 - Connecting to Others

Religious Education - Prayer, Liturgy and Sacrament and Interfaith Knowledge

Inquiry - Geography

Term 4 - Change

Religious Education - Morality and Justice

Inquiry - Chemical Science


Term 1 - Community

The concept of community can be explored at different levels; school community, local community, sporting clubs, countries, etc. All students will explore the idea of what it means to be part of a community.


Whilst exploring the features of communities and how we all work together in harmony, teachers will draw links with history and how this has changed and worked over time.

This topic lends itself well to our SWELL term and Make Jesus Real Program. As we settle into a new school year, we learn to make new friends, how to work in our new classrooms and what we need to do for one another to feel happy and safe at school.


Caitlan Taig

Religious Education Leader