Primary Report

As the 2022 school year draws to a close, I would like to thank our wonderful families for their support of our staff and students throughout the year. Your input however large or small means so much to us, and we couldn’t do the work we do without it.
It has been another busy but productive year for teaching and learning here at Macleod, as I am sure you will see reflected in your children’s reports. I urge you to take the time to sit down with them and celebrate how far they have progressed this year.
We are already planning some new and interesting events for 2023 which we hope will enrich the learning of our children. We are planning a camp to Sovereign Hill in term 2 for the Year 03 -06 students and the Life Education Van will be visiting us in term 1, just to begin with.
There have been some changes to the NAPLAN which will now take place in March 2023 instead of May, as has been the usual time. This will enable teachers to use the data gained from this testing to inform them of their students’ learning needs as they move through the coming year.
By now the students have met their new teacher/s and class for 2023. It is exciting to be growing again and adding another class to our primary cohort. We will fill our building on the hill once again.
We will also welcome our new Out of School Hours Care service provider, Their Care, into the fold. They will be offering both before and after school care from the 30 January 2023. They will also be offering a school holiday program which will begin in the first term holidays. We encourage you to enrol your children in OSHC, so that you have a back-up plan should you need it in an emergency.
I would also like to take this opportunity to thank Kim Free and Chris Floyd for taking the reins with the program for the last few months and doing such a great job keeping it going. They have been a fantastic support for our parents and children, and we would not have been able to offer this valuable program without them. I am most grateful to them personally for their reliability and dedication to the program.
I would also like to offer my gratitude to our amazing PAFM group for their wonderful fundraising efforts, and helping us to be able to provide our students with much-needed resources to enhance their learning and our school environment. Jane Galanti has led the group with great enthusiasm, and we are most grateful to her for her time and leadership.
To our wonderful Macleod community, I wish you all a very happy Christmas and a safe and restful holiday. To those of you who are leaving us, we wish you all the best for the future. For those returning to us, we will see you all in 2023.
Best wishes,
Karen Butterworth
Primary Leader