Principal's Report

This time of year is filled with occasions where we can pause, gather to enjoy each other's company, and reflect on the year that was.
We have celebrated amazing growth in learning, been inspired by student leadership, opened our new Science Wing, started some blue-sky thinking around curriculum innovation for 2024, seen sporting wins and fabulous music performances, made new friends and connections, and reinforced that we are stronger when we work together.
It has been non-stop but gratifying work - and I have enjoyed every minute of it.
In 2023 we welcome back Macleod College Principal, Mr Mario Panaccio. Mario has been a stalwart of the college for over 30 years, and it is unlikely there is anyone in Macleod who is a more recognisable or respected figure within the community.
Additionally, this week I have accepted the position of Executive Principal of Glenroy College. I am excited by this opportunity, which is not only a chance to take some of my learnings from Macleod to another context, but also to invest in the future of a whole new community.
Although I would love to name each and every person who has made this past 12 months as good as it was, it is unfortunately not possible in this forum.
I would however like to thank a few key people that have been important supports this year;
- College Council President Mark Lipman, and the parents, staff and students who represent us all so wonderfully on school council
- Michelle Wallis (Assistant Principal) and Nina Nigro (Business Manager) for their wise counsel and friendship
- The college leadership team of Royce Light, Helen Spanos, Lonni Allen, Swati Julka and Karen Butterworth for your strong leadership day in, day out
- Finally, the wonderful staff and students of Macleod College - it has never once been a chore to come here every day, and I am so proud of each and every one of you
I will always be grateful for my time here at Macleod and will remember fondly the times spent with students, staff and the community. I am also filled with great hope for the steps the college has set in place so our students continue to live our values of Achieve, Respect and Connect.
Have a safe and happy holiday break
Andrew Arney