Pupil of the week 


Sam M - for being a great role model in our classroom. You are so kind and caring. Well done! 


Amber B- for being such a kind and responsible foundation student. You always tuck in your chair and put up your hand.


Zach M - For making an amazing start to Grade 1! You are a wonderful listener and great leader in our class.

Milly D - for a fabulous start to Grade 1! You have a positive attitude to your learning and show lots of kindness to your classmates. 


Freddy S- For making a great start to Grade 1. You settled in really well.

Amelia L- For being a positive and happy class member. You have started the year well.


Yubo F - For demonstrating our Golden Rule ‘Treat others as you would like to be treated’, in your first week of Grade 1.

Arlo M - For showing genuine kindness in the way you have been willing to work with anyone in your new class. Thank you Arlo!


Isla M - for making such an amazing start to Gade 2. Your kindness, positive nature and offering to help others is just lovely.

Jamie B - for showing great initiative in the classroom and always being willing to help Mrs Henderson with lots of jobs! Thank you Jamie.


Grace P- for being brave and working outside your comfort zone. 


Ellie J - for settling in beautifully and for pursuing your personal best with everything you do.

Max R - for showing great initiative with your school work and for bravely working with new people.


Sade C – for her thoughtful responses to class questions in morning circle

Kai M – for his catching enthusiasm for all that we do. You bring such positive energy to our room!


Eli N - for being such a kind and caring member of 4AR, we really appreciate all of your help.

Lexi J - for being so open and honest with your feelings towards maths, sharing this helps us to better support you and your learning.


Johnnie O- For a fabulous start to the year. You have demonstrated a wonderful attitude towards your schoolwork, peers and teachers.

Helaina W- for showing such resilience and bravery as you begin grade 4. We’re going to have an amazing year together!


Jack B- for a fabulous and resilient start to your first year at Kalinda. Well done! 

Hunter M- for a wonderful beginning to the school year. Thank you for displaying kindness and respect to all within our classroom. 


William P for always putting in his best effort. You take on all tasks with a positive, ‘can-do’ attitude.

Yumiao F for always striving to achieve your personal best. You are so organised and efficient!


Ruby B - For the endless kindness you have shown to your peers during the beginning of the year.

Olivia Z - For showing bravery and perseverance everyday while settling into a new school and new classroom.


Ethan F – For showing courage and resilience whilst settling into Grade 5 at Kalinda. You should be proud of the friendships you have begun to create and the hard work you have shown in class.

Mikayla H - For an excellent start to the year! You have demonstrated a wonderful attitude towards your schoolwork and have been an incredible help within the classroom.


Archer M - for settling into life at Kalinda really well. You have shown kindness and respect while developing new, meaningful friendships.


Ethan.H-For an excellent start to the year. You have demonstrated a wonderful attitude towards your schoolwork, peers and teachers. 

Tahlia.M- For an excellent start to the year. You have demonstrated a wonderful attitude towards your schoolwork, peers and teachers. 


Holly J- for showing such resilience and bravery as she begins a new school. 


Alina I - For a wonderful, positive start to Grade 6, you are setting yourself up for your best year yet!

Jose L - For showing great creativity and sense of humour in your writing. A great start to 2023!