Le Français

Bonjour, c'est la rentrée !

Hello, it's back to school!




The French room has relocated to Room 3 this year. 


Students have commenced the year with revision of greetings and basic conversation phrases such as the following:


"Bonjour! Salut!

Comment t'appelles-tu? Je m'appelle....

Comment ça va? Ça va bien, merci!

Quel âge as-tu? J'ai huit ans.

Au revoir! À bientôt!"


Why not practise these at home with your children?

(Google Translate can help identify pronunciation and meaning)


As students return to using iPads I would encourage parents to ensure that all students from grade 3-6  have a small pair of earphones they can add to their pencil-cases so they are ready at hand whenever needed in French classes. Merci beaucoup!


À la prochaine ( Till next time)


Madame Higgins