From staff and the Office 

Please contact 9876 3289 if you have any questions

Maxim student orders

If you choose to order your student supplies through Maxim -


Order your parent-supplied stationery items (the list can be found on page 5 of each year level’s Parent Payment Letter

You can order these items online directly from Maxim Office Group if you choose.

Please note Maxim do not permit partial orders.

Orders must be placed by 20th December to make the delivery cut-off. 

Our school code is KALINDA (case sensitive). 

How to Online Order with Maxim Office Group


( Please note that the number is an NSW phone number because the Maxim Supply Office is located in NSW. It still is applicable to Kalinda )

Attendance matters


In accordance with the Education and Training Reform Act 2006 (Vic), schooling is compulsory for children and young people aged from 6 to 17 years unless an exemption has been granted.

Parents/carers must enrol a child of compulsory school age at a registered school and ensure the child attends school at all times when the school is open for instruction.

Students are expected to attend the school in which they are enrolled, during normal school hours every day of each term, unless:

  • there is an approved exemption from school attendance or attendance and enrolment for the student, or
  • the student is registered for homeschooling and has only a partial enrolment in a school for particular activities.

Schools must advise parents/carers of unexplained absences, on the same day, as soon as practicable, including for post-compulsory aged students.


We use Compass attendance to record this at Kalinda Primary School.


DET Scholarships

Scholarships support students and families to assist with the cost of education and engagement in further study at primary, secondary, and tertiary levels.

Scholarships are available for students:

  • studying in Victoria and who are citizens or permanent residents of Australia
  • enrolled in Years 4-11
  • enrolled in Year 12 who plan on undertaking tertiary studies.

Scholarships are awarded to students who can demonstrate:

  • excellent academic achievement
  • participation in school and local community activities
  • financial need as determined by the parent or carer receiving a Centrelink income support payment, or the student themselves receiving the Youth Allowance.

For more information including how to apply please go to this link:


Change of parent or student details

Student Resource Funding is determined by parent codes taken from the self-nominated category on student enrolment forms. This means that funds from the Government are taken from the Parent Occupations. We take this opportunity to remind families to advise the school of any changes to employment. As always, any information is confidential.


In the case of an emergency, we will attempt to contact parents, and if there is no response, then we move to the emergency contacts.

It is important that the office has the most current and correct contact details for any parent, to help ensure this will happen.

Please take this time to check your details on Compass, and if you find them incorrect, email the office at and we can amend these for you.


Smile Squad has left the building......

We hope that you had a positive experience with this service. The team will be back in six months time for fluoride treatments. The clinic at Ferntree Gully details are 1300 003 224