Religious Dimension

Beginning of School Mass

Mass last Thursday was a wonderful celebration to begin our new school year! All the children displayed reverence throughout the mass and the singing was excellent. Thank you to everyone who took on a role during mass to make it a more meaningful experience. 


SHROVE TUESDAY- 21st February

Traditionally, Shrove Tuesday was the day when Christians were encouraged to go to confession in preparation for the season of Lent. Dating back thousands of years, Shrove Tuesday was also a day to feast on eggs, sugar and dairy which were traditionally restricted during the Lenten fast. 

This year, as a way of preparing for Lent, we will be cooking pancakes for all students on Tuesday 21st of February. There will be the opportunity to also give a coin donation to Project Compassion. 

 We are also looking for parent volunteers who are be able to assist in cooking pancakes from approximately 9:30am.  If you are able to help cook, please contact the school office to let us know. We'd greatly appreciate any assistance you could provide.


The Beginning of Lent. 

All families are welcome to attend Ash Wednesday mass which marks the first day of Lent.  As a school community, we will come together at 9:15am on Wednesday 22nd February in the church to celebrate Mass. During mass, a cross with ashes will be drawn on our foreheads and these ashes serve to remind us of Jesus, they are part of the tradition of repentance that comes from the Bible. The ashes are a physical symbol that asks us to turn our hearts toward God. Lent is also a time to change, to become a better version of ourselves, and to become more like Jesus.


Lent lasts for 40 days (not including Sunday’s) and concludes on Holy Thursday. The 40 days of Lent remind us of the 40 days that Jesus spent in the desert in preparation for his public ministry. It is the time that we prepare to enter the mystery of Easter - that Jesus died and that was sad - but it was also wonderful in an Easter kind of way… somehow he was still with his friends, somehow he is still with us! Lent is a time for getting ready for the king who is coming, then going, then coming again. 


The Church encourages us to prepare for the great mystery of Easter in three specific ways….



Fasting does not have to be about just giving up ‘food’. Fasting is often done by giving up something that you enjoy, certain past times or an event…..and giving the money you’ve saved to help someone else. We are also invited to ‘give up’ some habits that are not life-giving. Maybe we could consider giving up petty rivalries, jealousy, negativity, impatience or greed. 



Prayer is a central part of the Catholic tradition and is observed regularly. During Lent Catholics are called to continue their prayer life and ‘make space’ for God. 



Almsgiving refers to being charitable and sharing what we have with people in need. Project Compassion is the appeal run through Caritas Australia which Catholic communities are encouraged to support during Lent. Families are encouraged to watch together the stories of the communities we will be supporting through our Project Compassion donations.



​"Your Father, who sees all that is done in secret,

​will reward you."

The Gospel Story

In the Gospel for Ash Wednesday, Jesus says that we should do good deeds to please God, not to show off to other people and get their approval. God can always see us and will reward us for the good things we do. In the same way, we should go to a quiet place when we pray so that we can focus on talking to God, rather than focusing on the people around us. God always hears us and will reward us.


The Gospel

A reading from the holy Gospel according to Matthew        6:1, 5-6

Your Father, who sees all that is done in secret, will reward you.


Jesus said to his disciples:

"When you do good deeds,

don't try to show off.

If you do, you won't get a reward from your Father in heaven.


When you pray,

don't be like those show-offs who love to stand up and pray

in the meeting places and on the street corners.

They do this just to look good.

I promise you that they already have their reward.


​When you pray,

go into a room alone and close the door.

Pray to your Father in private.

He knows what is done in private,

and he will reward you."


The Gospel of the Lord.

Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.

