
Year 1 Habitat Planting

As part of our unit of inquiry action, Year 1s got their hands dirty and planted a bunch of plants to feed the birds, bees and insects in the habitat garden near the water tank and bee hive.  

Terracycle x Bic Pen and Marker Recycling

The Green Team have been working on preparing for the end of year by setting up boxes to collect used pens and markers for recycling. They were sorted out the GT and teachers.


We collected three large boxes full, we have one more box to test next year to make sure they're really done or whether the markers could be reused in art class. Thanks to Alicia Smith for her support and sharing a cool way that old markers can be used to paint with, just add a bit of water! Reuse before your recycle!

Two boxes have been posted out in reused cardboard boxes to be recycled. You can also drop off any used pens and markers at your local Officeworks for recycling.

Celebration Planting

With the help of the Junior Landcare Grant, we have been able to plant many more native plants for our native fauna and our new bee residents!


As part of the Connecting to Country project, we have planted a range of edible bush foods including lilly pillies, bush peppermint, native thyme, lemon mrytle, pepperberry and more.


To celebrate our big year of biodiversity, the student action teams - Green Team and the Always was, Always will be teams joined together to celebrate a great year of action! We planted plants and shared some lollies. We look forward to what next year will hold and watching our beautiful habitat garden flourish.


Thank you student changemakers! We'll see you next year!


Benny Chan, Amanda Sztrajt, Jo Kretsis and Emily Hui

The Mr Winston Project

An opportunity arose from our Year 5 units of inquiry - Sharing the planet and How we express ourselves - to create designs and share sustainability ideas with Karen and Ella from the local brand Mr Winston.


We announced the winners at our Year 5 assembly and all entries received a Mr Winston bag kindly donated by Karen and Ella. The full feedback and the beautiful message from Karen and Ella is now available for the students to view on our Year 5 Cohort Google Drive. Here is an excerpt of the message:


"We love that all of your ideas are so individual and that you have really thought hard about what would look good. Everyone works in a slightly different way, so we loved to see some worked in teams, some designs were completed on the computer and others submitted hand drawings. All these skills are all important. The most important thing was that they all looked great in the end, no matter what way you developed them. 


You are going to be the Leaders of the school for 2023. Our advice is to always be kind, think of others and do whatever makes you happy. If you want to be good at something remember you need to practice and work hard.  We could see those who really thought about our brand, put in a huge effort and looked like they really enjoyed doing it." 

Thank you to Karen and Ella from Mr Winston for this great opportunity and for the generosity of their time, efforts and goodies!


Emily Hui

Sustainability Events & Resources

(Our school is not affiliated with any of these)


How to be sustainable this Christmas

By Sustainability Victoria


Christmas is a wonderful opportunity to spend time with family and friends. But it often includes lavish meals and gifts, with the potential for wasted food, unwanted presents and a great deal of unnecessary packaging.

Fortunately, minimising the negative environmental and health impact of these events does not need to be difficult.


Click to find some tips to help make this festive season a sustainable season.