
A Special Christmas and End of Year Newsletter Special Edition

Wow!  Kinders you are rockstars! All the teachers in kinder are so proud of how much you have grown this year. 


Literacy has been a huge focus in kinder and everyone has been trying their hardest and learning fantastic skills ready for prep. 


Our Christmas highlight was performing our Nativity. Everyone was so brave getting on stage and having a go, we are very proud of you. 


Thank you to our fabulous grade 5/6 buddies. The kinders adore you and you are their highlight for the week. 


Have a safe and happy holiday, I will wave to you through the window. 


Mrs Lange

Kindergarten Teacher 



Pictured below: Photos from the Nativity Play performed at the School End of Year Assembly.



Pictured below: Kinders with their fabulous Grade 5 buddies