Sustainability Corner

From the green team we wish you all a happy holiday! 


For those that celebrate Christmas or want some ideas on low-waste gifts here are some ideas to reduce your footprint.


Sustainable gift-giving

There are plenty of low-waste ways to share the joy of gift giving with your loved ones:

  • Consider making gifts, such as baked treats, preserves, or DIY bath salts.
  • Give presents that can replace single-use items, such as reusable coffee cups and reusable shopping bags.
  • Try propagating plants and replanting them in reused pots as gifts.
  • Check Facebook Marketplace and Gumtree for the items on your list before heading to the shops.
  • Make vouchers that commit the giver to helping with big household tasks, like a garden clean-up.
  • Give the gift of an experience with a voucher for lessons in a new skill or hobby.
  • Donate money to a local charity or a cause.
  • Consider re-gifting unwanted presents from previous years.


Once you’ve selected your eco-friendly gifts, it’s time to wrap them up and pop them under the tree. Unfortunately, According to CARE Australia, Aussies use around150,000 km's of wrapping paper during the festive season. That's enough to wrap the world almost 4 times! 

And of course, most of that wrapping paper isn’t recyclable due to the mix of plastics, paper, and decorative elements like foil. 

Fortunately, you don’t need rolls of cheaply made wrapping paper to make your gifts look gorgeous - here are our favourite alternatives:

Many thanks,

The Green Team