
Yr6 Music Excursion - Box Hill Central
On Tuesday the 29th of November, a few Year 6's got to go to Box Hill Central and perform in front of lots of people! We had a few parents come along as well. The performers were:
6AS – Abby T, Charlotte R, Emily M, Henry B, Risley C, Michael Ma
6CP – Ayrton W, Joy H, Mia X
6KM – Chloe L, Eliza N, Emily Z, Jacob W, Zoey Z, Hadassah B
6JS – Aaliyah B, Alice W, Audrey S, Edmund L, Lily O, Olivia Z
We had the Yr6 String Group perform with Ms Pittas, Hadassah and Charlotte on the violin, Emily on the cello, myself and Olivia on the clarinet, Abby on the electronic drums, Emily from 6AS, Aaliyah, Alice, Joy, Zoey and Mia on the piano, and a duet performed by Risley and Henry.
Congratulations to everyone who performed. It was an excellent afternoon.
Digi Tech - Last Lessons
As we near the end of the year, those in Year 6 or other students who may be leaving VPS may wish to save some of their work from the school server to keep. If this is the case, students can bring a USB to their next Digi Tech lesson and copy what they would like to take home.