Grade 3 and 4 - Level 3

The 2022 Level 3 Teachers and ES Staff

John Hoskin (Team Leader), Charlotte Caldarelli, Philip Allison, Sally Dyett, Paul Souter, Andrew Wastie, Kate Yates, Lisa Shoebridge, Julie Reid, Tabatha Watson, Rachael Fletcher, Fiona Materia, Georgia Murphy, Jo Hearn and Kaylene Stait

The term continues fly by at an astounding rate, with only a little over two weeks left to go.


Important Dates

Monday 5th December- Whole School assembly

Wednesday 7th December - Professional Practice Day for Staff (no school for students)

Friday 9th December- School Reports go live

Wednesday 14th December- Transition Day

Thursday 15th December- Class party day

Friday 16th December - Final Whole School Assembly and Christmas Concert

Monday19th December - Last Day of the Term for the students (1.30pm dismissal)

Tuesday 20th December - Curriculum Day


Shout Outs

On Wednesday 23rd of November, the Grade 3 and 4 students had a meeting to award “Shout Outs”. It was wonderful to hear about the hard work and cooperative behaviour the children have been demonstrating both in school and when on the Quantum Science excursion. Congratulations to all those who received an award.


Kris Kringle

Grade 3 and 4 classes will be participating in Kris Kringle this year. Presents should not exceed $10, and cannot include food/edible items or vouchers. Please ensure that the wrapped and labelled gift has been returned to school no later than Monday 12th December. We will be exchanging gifts during class parties on Thursday 15th December. If you do not wish for your child to participate, or know that they will be absent, please let their teacher know ASAP so arrangements can be made. A note has been sent home by your child’s teacher about this.


Class Parties

This year the students in Grade 3 and 4 will be having fish and chips for the class party food. There is a selection of nuggets, calamari rings, potato cakes and dim sims that the students can pick from and all will receive a portion of chips. They have been asked in class to select two options they would like on the day. Payment for this is to be made via QKR and this is now active. If payments could be made as soon as possible it would be greatly appreciated.


Enjoy this lead up to Christmas!

From the Level 3 Team