Grade 1 and 2 - Level 2
Sarah Battle (Level 2 Team Leader), Bronwyn Moore, Kath Jones, Eli Dahlenburg,
Nerida Forster, Chantelle Quinn, George Samothrakitis, Zara Abrahams and Hsien Tran.
Grade 1 and 2 - Level 2
Sarah Battle (Level 2 Team Leader), Bronwyn Moore, Kath Jones, Eli Dahlenburg,
Nerida Forster, Chantelle Quinn, George Samothrakitis, Zara Abrahams and Hsien Tran.
We have a jam packed final two weeks planned! Our last weeks will be filled with fun Christmas themed activities, class parties and transition; where students will get to meet their 2023 teacher. Please check the dates below to note down when these exciting events will happen.
Monday 5th December - Assembly
Wednesday 7th December – Pupil Free Day (Staff Planning Day)
Friday 9th December - School Reports go live
Wednesday 14th December - Transition Day
Thursday 15th December - Class Parties
Friday 16th December - Final Assembly and Christmas Concert
Monday 19th December - Last Day of the Term for the students (1.30pm dismissal)
Tuesday 20th December - Curriculum Day
Last week the Foundation, Year One and Year Two children had lots of fun while participating in the Tabloid Sports day. A big thank you to Mr Webb for organizing such a wonderful event for everyone.
Today the children had a blast at the Christmas Pantomime! Check out the photos below to see what they got up to!
In our Workshops in Term 3 your child' s class created a Fiction with a Purpose Book together. These have been put together by a graphic designer and professionally printed in Sydney. They are now ready to order. Head to our website to order your books, which will be delivered in approximately 14 days to your school.
Click the attachment below for more information!
We have our whole school transition day coming up on Wednesday the 14th of December. Children will head to their 2023 teacher's classroom at 9:20am and will return to their current classrooms before the end of the day. A note outlining your childrens classroom teacher for next year will be sent home with them on this day as well.
On Thursday the 15th of December all classes will be holding their class parties. We have an exciting pizza lunch planned, the cost is $5.00 for 2 slices of pizza and a juice box. If you would like for your child to participate, please make payment on Qkr! by Thursday the 8th of December, unfortunately we will not be able to accept late payments.
It is not compulsory to order pizza and students will still be able to bring their own lunch from home if they choose to.
Please note that for class party day, students are able to wear a 'splash of Christmas' such as a hat or tinsel, but must still be in school uniform for the day.
This year, we will once again be offering for students to participate in a Kris Kringle. We will be handing out the presents on the day of our class party. If you would like your child to participate, then they will need to buy a present for another child. The present could be received by a boy or a girl, so please keep this in mind when purchasing your gift. The present is not to exceed a cost of $5. If you do not wish for your child to participate, then please inform your child’s teacher.
Please ensure that presents are brought to school no later than Monday the 12th of December.
The Year One and Two students have been hard at work practising their songs and dances for the Christmas Concert on the 16th of December! Parents are invited to attend these performances, the concert will start at 11.10am and will be held in the stadium. Just like the class party day, students are able to wear a 'splash of Christmas' such as a hat or tinsel, but must still be in school uniform for the day. They can bring a Christmas shirt to change into for the concert if they wish to do so.