Foundation - Level 1

Teachers: Nikki Lewis, Bec Mealings, Courtney Williams & Damon Webb

Welcome to our final newsletter for the year. We hope you enjoy these last few jam-packed weeks of school. On behalf of the entire Foundation team we want to wish you a happy holidays!

Important Dates

Monday 5th December - Assembly

Wednesday 7th December – Pupil Free Day

Friday 10th December – Reports available on Sentral

Wednesday 14th December – 2023 Transition Day

Thursday 15th December – Class Party Day 

Friday 16th December – Final Assembly and Christmas Concert 

Monday 19th December – Last day of school – 1.30pm dismissal

Monday 30th January 2023 – First day of Year One (oh my goodness!)

Moving Day - Tuesday 6th December

On Tuesday 6th December we are moving to the South Building. The new classrooms are as follows:

0CW - Room 13

0BM - Room 15

0DW - Room 18

0NL - Room 17


Students can line up at their usual spot on Tuesday morning and we will walk them out to the pirate ship at the end of the day. 


As of Thursday 8th December, we will line up and be dismissed from new spaces. 0NL and 0DW will be in the breezeway just near the pirate ship. 0CW and 0BM will be on the other side of the south building, facing the netball courts. The teachers will show the students where their line up/dismissal spot is on Tuesday. We will also go out on Thursday morning to remind students.

2023 Transition Day

On Wednesday 14th December we will have our whole school transition day. Students will visit their Year One classroom and spend the day with their new class and teacher. We will head to their Year One classes at 9.20am and return at around 3pm, so drop off and pick up will remain the same as usual.

Kris Kringle

If you wish for your child to participate in Kris Kringle, please purchase a small gift (no more than $5) that any Foundation student might like to receive. The gift should be an item that a child of any gender would enjoy. Wrap it and have your child bring it in before 14th December. Make sure your child knows to show it to their teacher to have their name ticked off the list.

Class Party Day

On Thursday 15th December we will be holding our class party. Due to COVID guidelines, we are unable to have party food to bring and share. We are able to offer a special hot chip snack to go with our lunches. 


Your child will still need to bring their normal snack and lunch as well as a special lunchbox treat that they may not normally get. For a gold coin donation, we will provide some hot chips from a local Fish and Chip Shop to add to their lunches. If you would like your child to participate, please send the gold coin to school with them before Wednesday 14th December so we know how many to cater for. If you have any questions, please contact your child's teacher.  

Final Assembly

Our Final Assembly will be on 16th December at 9.10am in the stadium. You are welcome to attend!

Christmas Concert

The Foundation students have been practicing hard for this year’s end of year concert. Parents are invited to attend and witness the fantastic performances from each class! The concert starts in the stadium at 11.10am on 16th December.


Please send in a USB with your child's name clearly labelled as soon as you are able to. The teachers have something special for you all which we will save on to the USB. The USB may stay in the classroom for some time whilst the teachers make final touches to this special gift. 

Show and Tell Timetable

Week 10Free choice
Week 11Talk about your Christmas/holiday wish list

Tabloid Sports

The Foundation students had a wonderful time out on the Whitehorse oval for tabloid sports. A special thank you to Mr. Webb for organising this super fun event! 

Zoo Excursion

Farm Excursion