Director: Meg Donnelly
Green Group: Jacqui Zourkas, Mel Goldsmith, Megan Lebret
Purple Group: Helen Williams, Rhonda Tabe
Blue Group: Christina Tsotsos, Mel Goldsmith, Megan Lebret
Red and Yellow Group: Naomi Parkin, Shannon Stackpoole
Director: Meg Donnelly
Green Group: Jacqui Zourkas, Mel Goldsmith, Megan Lebret
Purple Group: Helen Williams, Rhonda Tabe
Blue Group: Christina Tsotsos, Mel Goldsmith, Megan Lebret
Red and Yellow Group: Naomi Parkin, Shannon Stackpoole
Thursday December 8th - Blue Group End Year Celebrations 6pm - 7pm
Wednesday December 14th - Purple Group End Year Celebrations 5.30pm - 7pm
Thursday December 15th - Last Day of Term for Blue, Red & Yellow Group
Friday December 16th - Staff Pack up day (Kinder Closed)
Monday December 19th - Last Day of Term Purple & Green Group
Tuesday December 20th - Staff Pack Up Day (Kinder closed)
Welcome to the second last newsletter for 2022! Wow the year has flown by. Please make sure to take note of the dates above in regards to last days at kinder and also end of year celebrations that are our of hours for our 4 YO groups.
Each of the groups have planned some great fun events to celebrate the amazing acheivements of all our little people this year. Please read the emails from your child's teacher about what they have planned.
See below about some great experience the children have been up over the past fortnight.
The 4 YO's had a fabulous incursion last week with Holly's Bees. They got to learn all about how bees make Honey, the diffferences between native Australian bees and introduced species of bees, as well as why they are so important to the ecosystem. Two of the groups made bees wax candles and a sustainable sandwich wrap while the other group made bee hotels to encourage bees to visit their gardens. We are sure that many of the children are sharing some of their bee facts at home.
Green Group this week, took a short walk up to the local post office to deliver some very important mail.... letters to Santa! It is so fantastic that we can get back to doing walks like this. The children leanr so much from being out together in our local community. They all did a fabulous job, walking carefully and staying with the group. Well done Green group!
Blue Group had a fantastic time enjoying the incredible talents of the Vermont Primary School Rock band. The children loved dancing away to the live music. We are so lucky to be able to experience what the primary school students get up to. But, wow what talented students we have at VPS! Thanks for letting us join in!
Well done Green Group on a fabulous concert on Wednesday evening. It was so lovely to have you all out in our new yard and using the space as a community. I am sure all the parents will agree that the children did an amazing job. We also need to thank our fabulous educators, Jacqui, Mel and Megan for all their handwork.
See above for Purple and Blue Groups Concert Dates.
You may have seen or heard your child talking about some warm up activities they might do to start the day at kinder. We practice different movements to get the brain working. The below images explain some of the most important movements we encourage the children to develop over the course of their Kindergarten years and what this skill can help develop.