The Fathering Project
Tips For Dads and Father Figures
The Fathering Project
Tips For Dads and Father Figures
Everyone’s life balance is different and will alter as the needs of your children change and the demands of work evolve over time. Finding a comfortable and healthy balance for you is something to work on and fine-tune throughout the different stages in your life. When you have kids, finding a comfortable balance between work, family and your social life can sometimes feel more challenging, but it’s always possible!
Top Tips
1. Identify your priorities. Work out what is important to you at this stage of your life. Try not to juggle too many big projects at once. Small steps done well is the best plan.
2. Deliberately manage your time. Use a weekly calendar and map out your priorities to create a typical week with time allocated to our priorities. (family, work, exercise, leisure, relationships, etc).
3. Multitask and overlap activities. Exercise with the family, eat meals together, introduce your kids to hobbies you enjoy and do them together.
Dad joke of the week
My inflatable house got a puncture yesterday. Now I'm living in a flat...