From the Deputy Principal

Jason Fay

Holiday Reading

Are you looking forward to a good book over the Easter weekend? I have a few weeks off coming up and I’m really looking forward to some space for reading. In the age of technological temptation, finding time to read can be harder than ever, particularly for our kids.


Developing a love of reading has greater long-term benefits than just learning to read. During the down time of the holidays there are ways that we can foster and model this for our children.


Read to and with them. Reading to your child has enormous benefits. It shows that you value the time and the process. It’s also a special occasion for them as you are prioritising your relationship. As they become older they can be more involved and converse about the themes and topics.


Choosing books. Maybe share one of your personal favourites with your child. They will pick up on your joy and interest as you read. Picking books together is also important and a visit to a local library is a great day out.


Reading time. Creating time where everybody in the house is reading their own book creates a sense of routine. Don't just do your reading when your kids are in bed or make reading for everyone just a bedtime activity.

When it comes to reading, the time you set aside matters. Reading provides an excellent opportunity to connect and break the technology habit. These holidays are as good a time as any to start.


NAPLAN will take place in Week 2 and 3 next term for Year 3 and 5 students. A timetable will be released in Week 1 next term. Scheduled testing will take place in Week 2 and Week 3 is available for make up tests. Please speak with your child’s teacher if you have any questions or concerns. 


Jason Fay | Deputy Principal