From the Principal

Leila Mattner 

Term 1 Reflections

Reflecting on the past few months, I recognise that this term has been one where significant pressure has been placed on families through COVID-19 isolation and illness. This is also the case for our staff members. Added to that, the constant changes for children who were able to be in the classroom or at home, and the teachers who have been away at various times. I am grateful to families for their understanding and patience, and I would like to thank our staff members for their incredible work under circumstances that we have never seen before.

For those who are able to hold parent-teacher conversations in the coming days, I pray they are rewarding and informative, remembering the special gift that is every child in our community. For those of you who have had conversations delayed due to illness, we thank you for your patience and understanding.

My prayer for all children, staff members and families, is for safety, and to be able to find time to rest as a family over the Easter period.

I look forward to seeing you all in Term Two, commencing Monday 2 May.

Term 2 Student-Free Day 

Please note that we have planned an additional student free day in Term 2, on Friday 10th June (Week 6). The following Monday, 13th is the Queen’s birthday public holiday.

This will serve two purposes: 

  1. A day to give our teachers time for report writing. Usually teachers manage report writing during the working week and over weekends, however they will already be using additional time during each week to continue to support home learners.
  2. To create a proactive four-day COVID-19 circuit breaker to the entire school (with the public holiday Monday) during winter.


SPLASH will be available on that day for essential care with a capped number of enrolment places.


Leila Mattner | Principal