Kids Corner

The “Kids’ Corner” section of our school newsletter provides the opportunity for the children to showcase their talents or communicate something special. This fortnight I have taken the opportunity to share:

Christian (Year 4’s) Narrative:


I looked around the battlefield. Enemies were coming from every direction I was done for. Suddenly there was a burning flash in the in sky. My eyeballs burned! It was a NUKE! I Opened my eyes, and everyone was dead but I survived how? 
Suddenly there was a house that appeared I felt like I was being pulled into the house. As I was pulled closer, I saw that the house was actually alive. It had a Mouth! and teeth! I was pulled passed the dead bodies inside the house. But once I was inside, it felt like I was in a time loop! 
I started to shiver then the loop stopped there was a door under me. It opened I walked through the only to find there was no floor I started to falling into a pit of knives and spears I got trapped in them. But how did I survive the fall somehow? 
I blinked it took me to a world then took me in the city where skeletons and zombies were walking around there was also a huge stone that seemed alive then all at time, they all attacked me! I ran and fell into the sewers. 
I Looked around and I saw a dim lights. I walked for a bit then I saw a red balloon. For same reason, it made me feel calm, until I saw a clown tearing towards me with a knife. I ran the opposite way the clown going to kill me then boom another nuke exploded above us and killed the clown and the whole world got obliterated! 
I felt myself being pulled again into a Mine shaft. That led me back to that Battlefield. But instead of bodies I saw a green peaceful hill I felt relieved. I was home …………….. THE END.


Student Voice 

Our school is currently working towards deepening our whole school approach to utilising the children’s opinions (voice) in terms of how to make our school even better. Recently the Year 5 Student Voice captains met with the Year 5 teachers during their planning day, below is an overview of what occurred: 


The planning process: 


As Student Voice Leaders, we were given the opportunity to represent the voice of our class during the Level 5 planning day. In preparation for this, we asked our class questions about their behaviours, personal goals, achievements and any feedback/feedforward they might have regarding our learning in YCDI. We took their responses and our own personal observations and analysed this data to find common trends. Janiya
Our next challenge was to communicate with each other so that we could find common trends across Level 5. In doing this we kept thinking about “what are the most important trends we need teachers to plan for next term.” Each of us practiced a speech which was supported by evidence we had collected. Lastly, we shared this with teachers during their planning day so that they had our voice to drive planning in Term 2. Nabiha
My key learning from this experience was the growth I made in communicating with my class, JSC co leaders and teachers about improving teaching and learning - Ryan
My learning from this experience is that a leader can be of any age and have an impact on improving learning. We are only 10 years old however were given the opportunity to share our ideas about improving Year 5 learning - Mitul
My key learning throughout this process was how I listen to everyone’s thoughts and opinions and then would ask a question that might prompt a deeper level of thinking such as “Why would this be beneficial to our learning?” - Arnold
I was most proud of the confidence I built during this process because I had to advocate for everyone’s need and effectively communicate with the teachers in Level 5 - Janiya
I’m most proud of the way I was able to use my voice with my peers and adults to communicate needs from my class - Nabiha


How are the teachers going to apply this voice into action?

The teachers have listened to all our student voice and ideas including the behaviours, social and emotional goals, feedback/feedforward and future learning we need in Y.C.D.I. Now the teachers have categorised our thinking into 2 sets which are, learning opportunities and how we are going to transfer this into Y.C.D.I lessons. Arnold
Some main learning opportunities we will be focusing next term because of our voice are;
-Understanding each other’s emotions and 
-Having resilience when interpreting each other’s emotions and behaviours


We will be transferring this into Y.C.D.I tasks by doing more small group learning and hands on experiences which link to our needs. Ryan