How Did It Begin?

By Jessica 6C

Hi my name is Jessica, and I’m in Year 6,.


I am fascinated about how different sayings, traditions and superstitions begun, what about you? Would you like to know about these tryouts of things?


This fortnight I have written about:


- The lucky four leaf clover and

- opening an umbrella indoors!


 I hope you learn and enjoy reading all about these and I look forward to sharing some more next time! 



Lucky four leafed clover:

The origin of this belief that the four leafed clover is lucky because it is a lost history. A biblical legend holds an explanation that survives. This reflates to Adam and Eve when they were expelled from paradise. Eve took a four leafed clover, and it flourished in the garden of Eden. Eve wished to retain something that would remind her of happiness and now-lost paradise. This is how the presence of a four leafed clover in someone’s garden became looked upon as an omen of good luck


Opening an umbrella indoors

People think that opening an umbrella indoors is bad luck. A belief in magic and the right order of things need to be risen. An umbrella is meant to shield you in the open air whether it is used in the sun or the rain, therefore opening an umbrella where it does not belong is a defiance to the natural order and is an insult to the spirit of the umbrella. Which is personified, which would punish the offender. There was no ancient fear of covering one’s head. People believed that the evil forces enveloped them all the time, watching for a possible opportunity of doing harm, but beneficial mystical powers protected them by invisible radiation. Opening an umbrella inside, however it would put up a screen against The rays of good fortune. In times now practical consideration reinforced the ancient superstition. An umbrella that is open indoors obstructs vision and easily becalmed the cause of breakage, damage and injury. Even an enlighten person. Now it is dangerous to open an umbrella indoors.