Digital Safety and STEM @ St Louis

 All students attending St Louis de Montfort's Aspendale have the right to feel safe. The care, safety and wellbeing of children and young people is a fundamental responsibility of all within our school.   

Cybersafety Project


The Cybersafety project has shared some amazing resources for families as we approach the school holidays. These can be found on their website, Facebook page or by signing up for their email bursts.


Click on the image below to see their most recent mailout and to access their archives!


Stay safe and have a wonderful break.



We hope you find what we share informative and helpful. Please feel free to send over any other helpful resources or articles you find connected to digital safety to me at


A quick snapshot of our work in STEM this week

Year 6

Year 6 are now heading into design and programming their own digital games that explore how networks keep us connected.


We are still at the early stages of development and will continue into next term but some students have decided to take what they've learned and developed their own games in their own time. Below is one example of the excellent work they have done. It is a click game that requires students to create characters, apply coding to show different costumes and design for variables such as scorekeeping.