SMCC Board

Tammy van der Reijden

Board Member


Hello everyone.  


I can't believe I am writing for the May Newsletter already.  It seems as though this year is really flying.  The public holiday weeks of March, April and May denoted times of celebration, contemplation and challenges.  Celebration at the resurrection of the Saviour, contemplation at the sacrifices made by so many of our young people in the Armed Forces, and challenges to our working rights that we march to protect on Labour Day.


For the Board, this month has meant renewal as we decide on new members to join our ranks.  The number of applicants and the amazing qualities that they all possess have made our decisions extremely difficult.  Our aim as a Board is to serve the St Mary's community and our decisions in selecting new members are based on who can best help us to do that.  Definitely not a task we have taken lightly I can assure you.  All the current Board Members would like to reach out and thank the nominees for offering their service to the Board, their commitment to their faith and the St Marys community, and their dedication to our children and families are to be commended.


We also discussed one of the most concerning trends in young people; the use of E-cigarettes, also known as vaping.  I have to say that vaping is not something that I knew very much about.  I thought, 'How harmful could it be?  Most vapes don't even contain nicotine.'  I did not realise how wrong I was.  Just a quick review of the current studies shows alarming concerns, for example the link between flavouring ingredients, such as diacetyl, and serious lung disease.  I think the seemingly instantaneous prevalence of E-cigarettes in our community is a sign of the swift nature of change with which we are all faced.  Fast paced change makes it so difficult for regulators, governments and parents to keep up.  I, for one, am very grateful that Wayne and the St Mary’s team can help us navigate our way through.


Yours in service on behalf of the Board