Principal's Message

Dear Parents/Carers,
A very big welcome back to Term 2 for all members of our LSC community. It was great to see both staff and students return on site this week ready to learn and remembering some of our key messages from the end of last term to ensure it was a positive start overall.
Our College Open Night is scheduled for Wednesday 4th May in the evening. We are looking forward to welcoming prospective students and families from the area to join us at this important event. This year, we will have the opportunity for students and their families to get to experience a mini version of life as a Year 7 student at LSC, with our evening tours being combined with a range of fun and challenging activities to take on from the different subject areas offered at LSC.
We also have our Year 7 and 9 students completing NAPLAN this term. NAPLAN is an important measure for us as a school to not only track our improvement, but also identify areas where we can support our young people in their Literacy and Numeracy skills to become success graduates of LSC. With NAPLAN moving online this year, students have already done some familiarisation work of the online testing format and our team of staff are busily working to ensure we have all students set up for NAPLAN success.
Most importantly with NAPLAN, this is an opportunity for all our young people to be able to celebrate the growth and improvements they have made over time. We acknowledge that for some, the testing environment can be daunting, but I want to reassure students that the most important part of NAPLAN is doing your personal best and to celebrate the improvements YOU have made over time.
We have a range of events occurring at the College this term, including our very important ANZAC Day Commemorative Assembly this Thursday. I encourage all students to use this assembly time to reflect not only on the sacrifices of others, but also to take time to consider the ways in which we can be grateful for the lives we have today in Australia.
Finally, as we commence Term 2, it is important to note that we as a college will continue our focus on pre-conditions for learning. These are key areas for improvement that staff and students noted were important for all students to have before stepping into their classes to set them up for success. This includes our 3 focus areas from last term which were:
- Bringing required equipment to every class
- Being in full and correct uniform every day
- Following the College Mobile Phone Policy
We will communicate further focus areas throughout this term, and appreciate the support from families to ensure students are meeting our expectations regarding these pre-conditions for learning.
Ms Eloise Haynes